Can you hold me |part two|

Start from the beginning

But before I could leave the place, someone grab my hand pulling me back into their chest, and I knew who's chest it is. I felt more tears falling down and I could feel eyes on us both. I pull his hands off my waist as I shove him away from me. And turned around to face him. "Don't tell me another lie Sean...don't bull fucking shit me now!" I snap at him sternly as I could feel a lump in my throat for wanting to cry. I saw the anguish look in his eyes, saw the tear track down his cheeks. He was about to say something but I cut him off again.

"I saw you flirting with the girls, the times I visited you, I saw the text, I saw the kisses you left behind with those girls." I yelled at him as I shove him and keep shoving him as I said "So no NOW I need you to listen to me...please just listen to what I have to say because I'm tired of your bullshit you're doing right now okay. I'm tired of you ignoring me so now please just listen to me for fuck sakes!" I said as I back him into the wall, I heard the whispers, I heard the gasp than I felt a hand on my shoulder but I shrug it off me as I looked into his eyes then.

"Thinking that I mean anything to you than the girl who has 'The Sean Lew's attention' I trusted you more than I probably should have. We're through Sean, we're through with this bullshit you had the audacity to call's not love if you act like a fuck boy like you were...back when we were just teenagers, when we did world of dance together, I'm glad I went back home while you live this LA life that you think is glory" you can hear the anger and heartache in my voice when I said what I had to say.

I backed away from him and kept backing away until my back hit the glass door, I heard his cry as he took a few steps towards me, shaking my head at him, to not get any closer to me.

"Please please don't go, let me work this out kayc!" His words tremble with the emotions that poured down his face, mine mirroring his. I shakily took a breath as I said the next few words. "Don't..don't come back when you need me okay shamu, come back when you want and need me... 'And i just can't feel it' right now, 'I've tried and I've tried..and I've tried' again."

"Bye Sean....say hi to Julian for me" I softly said my voice breaking as I opened the door and leaving the place.

Walking down the street, the night is blooming as the tears kept rolling down my face, not even caring that people saw and heard my cry as I made it down the street where I left my car earlier, got inside as I turned on the engine than backing out than driving off, back to my hometown, even if I'm driving around at night and probably morning too.

I didn't care at this moment as I left Los Angeles, never knowing when I'll be back here again.

Damn that was two weeks ago,

Tears on my face I can't take it
If lonely's a taste, then it's all that I'm tasting
Do you hear my cry?
I cry, oh

After she left and I swiftly went to the restroom, 'As tears on my face, I can't take it' no I couldn't take it.

felt the constricted tightness around my heart, that slowly breaking more each time I let the tears fall. "FUUCK...GOD DAMN IT" I yelled as I hit the wall beside the sink, sinking down to the floor and crying softly in my hands

"Why do I have to be so stupid?" I mumble the words in my hands as the tears kept coming out softly down my cheeks..

It took me a few minutes to calm myself down to actually get up and go back inside the studio to assist jake, than I'll go home.

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