Sketchy Laboratory

Depuis le début

   Beside him, a seven-foot-tall suit of armor spoke in a small voice. "Brother, that was unnecessary" The shorter blond took no mind to his brother's comment, and instead stomped up the colonel who sat at his desk, fingers still folded beneath his nose. 

"Why, hello Fullmetal, so kind of you to join me, and for rushing to get here too." The blond said nothing as he slapped a few stapled pieces of paper on his desk, turned around, and flopped onto the couch in the middle of the room.

  "Ah, neat as ever, Fullmetal. Simply. Pristine." The colonel spoke, sarcastically. He set aside his creased, coffee-stained report and straightened his back.  

Edward cringed at the sound of the man's bones popping and cracking as he stretched. 'what an old fucking meat sack'. The boy spoke with a drawn-out sigh, "Just tell me what the damn mission is so I can fucking leave. I'm tired as shit you old man"

   The older male's eye twitched at his youngest subordinate's bitching, but let it slide. "There have been numerous sittings of 'Mysterious red and blue lights' according to locals. They claim to hear odd things coming from the fourth laboratory." He tossed a stack of papers secured with a paper clip at the blond, waiting for him to skim it over.

"The fourth laboratory, huh? This says that they're a molecular biology laboratory." The boy rubbed his chin with his gloved hand, pondering. "The last time they found new information, was almost three years ago. Why hasn't someone shut that shitty place done, s'not like their doing anything useful." The boy remarked as he skimmed over the first page. He flipped the page over to look through the second as the man in front of him spoke.

"The laboratory was under heavy construction, so any experiments were stoped. They finished a few months back, but haven't reported back with anything." The youth furrows his brows then speaks again.

"What were they trying to fix?" The raven-haired colonel leaned back into his seat, sighing, and folded his hands on his chest.

"No clue" came his reply.

"Well, if it took three whole damn years to do then it must have been a lot." The blond pondered this, then spoke again. "So what's my job?"

The black-haired colonel adjusted his blue uniform jacket and sat forward. "We don't have authorization to conduct a 'Break in', or even an 'Undercover' operation because, although this is all a little suspicious, we still don't have proof that whatever those weirdos are doing is illegal ." He paused as he messed with the hem of his white gloves, "So we informed them a state alchemist was scheduled to have a meeting with the head scientist working at the facility."

  He glanced at the blond, then continued. "His name is Eric S. Lander, you are required to ask him the following questions listed on that report, then check up on their lab's hygiene, cleanliness, organization, and most importantly, their workers. They are an important asset to the investigation and we need to know why they're still so many people working when there haven't been any new breakthroughs. That is what's most concerning to me, so if you see anything fishy I need you to report back immediately and we'll investigate further with a permit."
  The blond scoffed. "Yeah, sounds like they're up to something fucked up. Maybe slaves or some shit".

The raven chuckled, "Yeah, anyway, they'll most likely be keeping an eye on you for the entire tour. All we really need to know is what rooms they don't want you to go in, or just areas they seem to steer you away from. I feel like I should stress that you are to NOT argue with them on this. We don't know what they're up to or how far they're willing to go to keep it that way. We can question all we want, but we still can't conduct an investigation of any sort, so you'll have to work with what you can do right now."

  The man finished, leaning forward so his elbows touched his desk, intertwining his fingers once again. "So, just ask questions, look around, and leave? Sounds pointless". The blond grumbled in his seat, slouching further down.

"You're coming back with information nonetheless, so it won't be pointless. When you're checking the rooms, sneak around a little deeper. Just, try not to look too suspicious. If they're really up to something, they'll be cautious and try to keep you away from certain areas."

The older man smirked, "You're leaving tomorrow, any questions before I kick you out?"

The smaller youth growled then spoke in an irritated tone. "Yeah, what's gonna happen if you have to shut down the facility? Like, that's a whole branch of the laboratories taken down, won't they have to assign someone to take over the branch again or something? Or like, shut that shit down permanently."

The colonel pondered this question then spoke with a hint of amusement. "I guess it's depends on what they're doing, but I can see them just assigning the laboratory to whatever research team they need to take over".

The boy scoffed, stood, turned on his heel, and walked towards the door, his younger brother following. The door was slammed shut, oh so carefully, making the occupants wince when the walls shook.

The colonel sighed, completely exhausted.

  "One day he's going to break the fucking door off its hinges" the man rubbed his eyelids, and picked up his pen.

(HEYYYYYYYY ADDED NOTE HERE!!! Anyway, how y'all doin? It's been what, a year? Two years? I don't care, I'm back on this fucking hell app. SO here's whats gonna happen. I'm gonna finish this awful dumpster fire of a piece of literature and then disappear off the face of the earth. Cool? I do this in my free time but I have been writing the story out and planning the chapters and events. So basically, at some point, I am going to just dump all the chapters in your greasy little hands all at once since you waited so long. We all got it? Fucking terrific, you can stop barking at me now.)

- Full_metal_shrimp 🍤

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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