Eddie: hey rich where are we?

Richie: you'll see.

We pass a sign that mentions road work.

Eddie: rich that sign says there's road work ahead.

Richie: ugh yeah I sure hope it does. (Your welcome vine lovers)

Eddie: richie I'm serious where the fuck our we?

Richie: dont worry I used to do this all the time.

Eddie: richie turn around there's a bunch of caution tape and street cones down there.

Richie: just wait ok.

I trust Richie. But he isn't the brightest most of the time I guess.

Eddie: there is a huge concrete wall down there.

Richie: yeah I know.

Eddie: it's a huge concrete wall about 6 stories high.

Richie: yeah i noticed.

Richie parked right by the wall.

Eddie: where the fuck are we and where is everyone and why is this wall here.

Richie: this place is kinda abandoned no one comes here ever.

I look up the wall and see it goes on for like ever.

Richie: come here.

Richie climbs down into this little hole and then helps me down.

Eddie: what the fuck are we don- woah.

When I step down I see this huge huge huge lake with sand and rocks and it looked just like a beach.

Eddie: what is this place.

Richie: it's a lake that constantly kept flooding so they put a wall around it and now I just come here to relax. Come on.

He takes my hand and pulls me over to the edge of the water. He starts pulling his jacket off and his crocs. I do the same. We both lay down on the sand letting the water come up on our feet. Even though it was a lake, it looked like an ocean. And this wall has been here for so long barely any trash ever gets in.

Eddie: that song you sang at the talent show was really beautiful.

Richie: like you.

I smile and turn to face him, he does the same. I kiss him and then he kisses me, we both smile at each other. I start laughing, I don't even know why. But Richie doesn't question it. I start to get up but Richie pulls and back down and quickly lays the upper half of his body on top of mine so our eyes meet. I examine his face. It's kinda chilly out so he has a pinkish reddish nose and I bet I do too. He looks at me and smiles. He rests his chin on my chest.

Eddie: Are you just gonna stay there for a while.

Richie: maybe?

We both laugh. He lifts his chin and kicks the sand to scoot him forward. He kisses me and then I lay my hands on his face and kiss him. We kiss each other and that turns into me and him kinda making out. We lay there on the beach like lake and make out. It was very nice. (I'm sorry it felt like it needed a makeout session also if you've seen end of the fucking world than imagine them on that beach they were on in the last few scenes)

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