Hyunjin let out another sigh. Never has he ever spend so much energy in a friendship, that both sides, knew nothing is going to grow from that. He grabbed his bag and headed out.

It was currently lunch break but Hyunjin never bothered to go to the cafeteria, instead he liked to take a stroll through the park that was located right across the school building.

He threw his coat lazily over his shoulder while his backpack strap rested on the other. He ran a hand trough his silky black hair as he made his way to the school port. Students, who were also walking around looked at him. Some in admire and some were just ready to start talk about him behind his back but he didn't care at all.

He wanted to search for Seungmin but he didn't knew why his mind and body told him not to.

Hyunjin stood in front of the pedestrian crossing lights for a good minute to wait until the red light turns green. He was staring blankly at the busy road infront of him. He carefully listened to the cars that road by.

His eyes followed the cars continually, he didn't even noticed that Seungmin was standing right across him. It didn't seemed like the other noticed the present of the male too since he was looking down at his phone.

It was hella busy, therefor that the lights were still not green yet.

"Why aren't you walking?!" Seungmin heard a male yelling at the back. He was flustered. Seungmin was somehow so distracted by his phone that he just walked without looking up. But little did he knew that the male who yelled a second ago was, in fact, yelling to his friend.

Hyunjin kept his eyes wide open and yelled out loud. ''Seungmin watch out!''

Seungmin directly looked up. A car drove at top speed towards the lost and confused boy. He breathed in heavily and closed his eyes, preparing himself for the worst.

Hyunjin didn't even thought twice before running to Seungmin, who was still standing in the middle of the road.

Seungmin luckily was saved. But not by Hyunjin but by a total stranger. Hyunjin stopped in the middle of the road when he saw a silver haired boy landing right on top of Seungmin.

They both smiled oh so sweetly to eachother, it made Hyunjin so jealous but he had no reason to be that. The silver haired boy has his hand wrapped around Seungmins waist, supporting him.

Hyunjin bit his bottom lip and kept his head low as he quickly left the scene.

You mean nothing to him anyways.

''T-thank you for s-saving me.''

''My pleasure,'' the unknown male stood up and lend him a hand to make him stand up. ''Are you okay? You should keep your eye on the road.''


''Haha, why are you aplogising to me?'' Their eyes met for a moment, Seungmin could swear that his eyes were literally sparkling. The boy looked at Seungmin as Seungmin smiled oh so shyly. The stranger thought it was absolutely adorable and suddenly raised his hand and started to ruffle his hair out of reflex.

"oh, sorry for that.'' His hand was quickly removed from the others soft brown locks. He let it fall beside his body. he sheepish laughed and Seungmin just laughed along.

the boy in the rain ✘ seungjin Where stories live. Discover now