Treatment of a hero

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The Paladins rushes back to the Atlas with smiles on their faces, and Pidge in their arms. When they boarded the Atlas, a medical team came to examine Pidge. Cadets and staff noticed how happy the Paladins where, and where confused. However, they let the matter slip, they all where feeling a bit sour towards them, they believe that they rigged the green lion to reject them. However, since they where scared of the Paladins, they didn't say anything.

The Paladins noticed that once Pidge was away from nature, her clothes switched to an Altean style dress. Her Altean markings also disappeared, it was like her connection to nature was much stronger. They noticed the looks the ones who tried to become the green Paladin gave them, and they where worried. 

"I have amazing news, Katie Holt is perfectly fine. Her photographic memory is still in tact, her deadly conditions are all gone, and she seems to be perfectly healthy." Everyone broke out into huge grins, and even tears of joy. Katie then walked out of the doors, and embraced her family.

"Oh, Pidge, we're so happy for you." Allura exclaimed, Pidge looked up at her nervously.

"Umm, can you all call me Katie now? There's no need for me to go by Pidge, that was always more of a nickname Matt gave me. I also don't need to hide my gender, so I think it's time I actually start to be me." This made her whole team smile, they had been trying to get Katie to act like her actual self for the past few years.

"Of course, you know, I'm glad you are embarrassing who you are completely now, Katie." Said a happy Shiro, everyone just laughed. SHiro was like their big brother, in Keith's case he really was.

"Thanks, I'm just shocked that I don't have all those medical conditions to deal with anymore."

"Oh, and speaking of those. Why didn't you ever tell us about them?" Asked a happy Lance.

"Because it would lead Iverson to my real identity, and so you all would let me be apart of Voltron." She stared like it was obvious, which it was once she said it.

"We have to get you into proper clothes, cadet." Said a happy Iverson.

"Umm, I don't think we are still cadets, sir. More like overly archived drop outs." This had everyone laughing, even Iverson.

"I'm sorry, but it's regulation." Katie just grumbles and walks off to get into her uniform. Returning ten minuets later with her hair in a braid and a green top instead of orange.

"It's the uniform, and I wanted it green. I'm not wearing the orange anymore." 

"Ok, I guess. Since you are the green Paladin." Katie just smiled and headed off.

"I'm going to greens hangar, see ya later." Then she walked off, leaving all the Paladins and Matt to laugh.

"She never changes, does she?" Asked an amused Keith. 

"Nope." Said a happy Matt.


I was going to greens hangar to think, so much has happened recently, and I need to clear my head. When I opened the door, however, I was greeted by a alarming sight. The cadet who used to bully me was trying to break into my lion.

"Hey, what do you think your doing?!?!?" He spins around, shocked, but then sneer when he sees me.

"I could ask the same about you, last I checked, the green Paladin was on life support in the med wing."

"Ummm, I guess I was. But I'm not dead, so would you kindly stop trying to break into green?" He just marches up to me and holds me up by my shirt collar.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2018 ⏰

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