"You alright, love?" He asked sweetly as he fell into the rhythm she was walking.

"Oh, um, yeah." Sienna said with a deep breath. "I just..." She sighed. "I needed some air."

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked again, hoping this time she would tell him what was actually going on.

"It's just..." She debated whether or not she should tell him. Then, she looked into his eyes and saw how much he wanted to help. "This all feels... unreal." She admitted. "I just watched my cousin play Madison Square Garden and I'm now friends with One Direction." She gestured to him with a chuckle. "A week ago, I was completely alone, lying in my room listening to your songs and doing my best not to cry myself to sleep again." She explained. "Now, I'm standing here with you." Her eyes met his again and a small laugh of disbelief came from her lips. "It doesn't seem real. It's just a lot to process."

"I know the feeling." Louis admitted with a sigh.

"Really?" Sienna asked quickly, finding it hard to to believe someone as successful as him had experienced what she was feeling.

"I was a normal teenage boy who went on a tv show. Before I knew it, I was stuck with these four dorks and we were making music and..." He explained, a grin slowly formed on his face. "everything changed for us." He smiled down at her. "It was a big shock to me at first too. It felt like one day I would wake up and find out it was all just a dream." He confessed. Silence fell between them as Louis became lost in the memories of life before the band.

"You know," Sienna said with a smile after a moment, hoping to snap him out of his thoughts. "you were always my favorite."

"Really?" Louis laughed.

"Absolutely." She grinned. "From the beginning, you always had this contagious personality. You were always laughing, and yelling, and doing something crazy." She chuckled, shaking her head. "For a girl who had no one, that meant the world." She admitted, hugging her arms around herself. "I could have a horrible day, but I could come home and watch a video of you lads and go to sleep laughing." She watched the way his features softened as she continued. "I wish..." She hesitated. "I wish I could explain to you how much you lads make a difference." She said with a deep breath. She wanted him to understand just how much they had changed her life. "I wish I could tell you how much you meant to me when I was hopeless. So, I guess I just want to thank you." She gave him a smile, and he returned it with a grateful look in his eye.

All he ever wanted to do with his music was help people and hearing he was succeeding in that always made him emotional.

"For always being you. For not letting fame change you." Sienna continued. "You're a big part of the reason I'm still here today."

As soon as the words left her mouth he pulled her into an embrace.

"If you ever," Louis did his best to keep his voice from quivering. "need anything, just give me a call, okay?" He was trying to hide the thickness in his voice, but Sienna quickly noticed it. "If you need advice, or you have a bad dream, or you just want to tell someone about your day," He rambled, pulling back to smile down at her. "or you need to talk about this." He gently took one of her wrists in his hand, turning her wrist outward. Their eyes skimmed over the scars that decorated Sienna's skin. "Just give me a call."

"You saw those, huh?" Sienna turned her eyes to the ground.

"Yeah, love." Louis said quietly, keeping a close eye on her expression.

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