She stormed away from him, angry that he would do something as stupid as smoke.

Why, Sienna wondered, give yourself lung cancer when you have such an incredible life?

"My my my," Calum hummed to himself with a smirk as he watched her walk away. "isn't she something?" He looked down to the crushed cigarette Sienna had ground into dust. He jogged to catch up with her. "So, you're mad at me?" He asked with a grin as he came to walk next to her.

"For being stupid enough to give yourself lung cancer?" She questioned angrily. "Yes, I'm mad at you."

"Enna-" Calum began, but she quickly cut him off.

"Don't "Enna" me." She spat up at him, finally wiping the smile from his face as he realized she was truly upset with him. "That is disgusting and you're deliberately hurting yourself. How is smoking any better than this?" She turned her wrists out to him. He had no idea how to answer that question. "That's what I thought." She sassed.

"Is it a bad time to tell you I'm very turned on right now?" Calum attempted to lighten the mood, but it didn't work.

Sienna rolled her eyes and began walking away from him.

"Okay. I'm sorry, Sienna." He caught up with her again. "Never again. I promise." He held his hands up.

"No girl wants to kiss a guy whose breath smells like cigarettes." Sienna noted. "If I cant stop you from smoking, maybe knowing it'll fuck up your ability to charm girls will." She wouldn't even meet his eyes now.

"You make me sound like such a womanizer." He was truly offended. He thought she realized the only girl he paid attention to—besides fans—was her.

The boys turned their heads to look at Sienna and Calum as they appeared backstage. They could instantly tell Sienna was not happy with Calum.

"Get ready. The show starts soon." Sienna ignored his comment.

"Don't be pissed at me." He pleaded.

"Go. Now." She ordered.

"Luke!" Calum whined as he walked away from her to join the other boys. "Enna's pissed at me!"

"Good!" Luke called back to him.

"Ashton!" Calum attempted to get a different response. "Enna's pissed at me!"

"Probably with good reason!" Ashton called.

"Mike!" Calum was growing frustrated. "Enna's pissed at me!"

"Get ready!" Michael ignored his whining.

"Damn." Calum muttered and grabbed his bass. "Bunch of assholes." He muttered to himself jokingly and hoped it made Sienna smile.

It wasn't necessarily Calum's fault Sienna was pissed. How could he have known smoking ultimately killed Sienna's grandfather?

"Enna," Luke headed over to her. "you okay?" He asked curiously.

"Did you know he smokes?" She asked curiously and Luke sighed.

"That's why you're pissed at him." Luke realized. "Because of what happened to Pop."

"How are you not pissed at him?" She wondered.

"Because he's an adult. He can make his own choices, Enna." Luke explained. "Even if they're incredibly stupid choices."

"Boys," A woman in a headset spoke up. "you're on in ten."

"Good luck." Sienna smiled at Luke. "Knock em' dead."

Dirty Little Secret // C.H.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon