"Blaine, it's too hot for that." Kurt pouted. Blaine smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

"I know, that's why I'm trying to get you out of your pants. It's really too hot for clothing." Blaine nodded. Kurt laughed and settled back into the hammock, closing his eyes.

"I like this...just existing, feeling you close to me. It makes me feel so..." Kurt trailed off, a warm smile curling the sides of his lips. Blaine smiled back, taking his hand and finishing the sentence with a whisper.

"Complete." Kurt hummed in response.

"Do you think we'll always be like this?" Kurt's smile faltered slightly as he asked the question, his thumb rubbing over the back of Blaine's hand in small smooth circle.

"I hope so. I think about us sometimes...like what we talked about." Kurt's eyes opened slightly, his smile wide and open again.

"Like in New York?"

"Yeah, like in New York." Blaine opened his arms and Kurt snuggled into them. Despite the sweltering heat, the need for closeness was so much greater than comfort at this point.

"What are we like...in New York?" Kurt asked, his head tucked into Blaine's chest. Blaine tightened his arms around Kurt's waist and pressed a few soft kisses into his neck before answering.

"I can see us in our first apartment, snuggled up on the couch watching reruns of Grey's Anatomy and eating really bad Chinese. But not like bad-tasting, like really bad for us Chinese." Kurt scoffs at the accusation.

"So you're going to make me fat? I should think not. Can't we at least be eating some somewhat healthy Chinese food, like beef and broccoli?" It's Blaine's turn to scoff.

"Hush, you're ruining the picture. Just close your eyes and picture it for a second, kay?" Kurt nods and lets Blaine's words wash over him.

"I can see us sitting at the breakfast table with our laptops out. I'm finishing a paper for English and your scouting out new pieces online. Our hands are twinned together and we argue over who gets the last blueberry muffin because when we get our own place, you will be baking them on a weekly basis. I can not live without your blueberry muffins, I don't even care that they're low-fat because they're still so good." Kurt laughs, quietly and places his hands over Blaine's.

"Of course, dear." He can fell Blaine press a kiss to the back of his head.

"I see us older too. Maybe a new apartment, a bigger one, even more lavishly decorated than the last, knowing you. We're getting ready to go out somewhere formal, maybe an engagement party for our friends or an office party or something. Whatever it is, we're dressed up nice and it's winter. We get ready to leave and you wrap my scarf around my neck, pulling me in for a kiss as you do so. I deepen the kiss slightly  and take your hand. I drag my thumb against the ring finger, my heart swelling with pride as I meet the little circle of metal that rests there." Kurt can feel his heart stop as Blaine continues on.

"I can even see us older than that. The apartment's not that much bigger, but I do notice I have a few gray hairs and you have these adorable crinkles around your eyes when you laugh-"

"Like hell I do." Kurt grumbles. Blaine laughs and kiss his head again.

"Just making sure you're still with me, love. Anyway, I can see us in a small room standing over a crib. I've got my arm around your waist and you're leaning forward into the crib. She's got your eyes-"

"And she's got your smile. But hopefully not your affinity for jumping on things, I don't want to be following her around with band-aids and Neosporin her whole life."

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