Chapter 18: Dragon Rose

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~Kiera's PoV~

After twenty minutes, the match was finally over with me winning.

I killed him at the end so I was able to take the Nexus.

We exited and Malz said, "Good game Kiera. I'll demand a rematch when we verse each other in the competition."

"Of course, can't wait to see you beat me next round," I winked.

"Don't even doubt it," he smiled.

I saw Ezreal so I ran over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey good job Kiera," Ez says.

"Thanks," I blushed.

"You too Malz," he added. "Your combos are practically OP."

"Nah, I'm pretty sure you can beat me Ez," Malzahar replies. "Wait so, what is your title Kiera?"

"Uhm.... I don't really have one," I said shyly.

"Hm," Malz and Ez said simultaneously.

They looked at me and then landed on my earrings.

"You should be Kiera the Dragon Rose," Ez said, with Malzahar nodding.

"I like it," I said.

Kiera the Dragon Rose. My official title.

"Anyway, see you," the Prophet of the Void says. "Need to go somewhere."

"Alright. Bye," I say with Ez waving goodbye.

~Lux's PoV~

"What is taking Malz so long?" I say in frustration. "Surely it doesn't take that long to figure out some weaknesses!"

I sighed and sit down. Garen had yelled at me earlier for trying to "do stuff" with Ezreal. As punishment, he took away my gold and RP for a month.

That sucks since that means I can't go out at all to buy food or whatever unless I ask someone else to pay.

I stared at my surroundings. I left the house to hide and wait for Malz to come back.

I am in a meadow, with trees all around me. The sun shined revealing shadows everywhere and a cool breeze drifted past my hair. I see a bunch of leaves fading in colour. Summer's almost over.

Garen won't find me here. This place is a secret. Only two other people know - Malzahar and Ezreal.

I see a guy with a purple hoodie come. It's good that I paid him before. Garen took over my gold.

"So did you find out anything?" I ask.

"Well she has some weaknesses. Her rocket skill can only be in a straight line, her running skill only lasts for six seconds and her skills can hit a minion. Also, she has no crowd control."

"Alright next part of the plan," I said, handing him a photo. "Put this in Kiera's room. She'll surely be devastated when she sees this picture."

Malz takes it and examines it. "Where did you even get this from?"

"That's not important!" I flushed. "What's important is that you put that photograph in her room."

He smirks then goes away. I sighed.

I got that photo because I liked Ezreal then and was spying on him a lot. That picture crushed my heart too.

That picture when Ezreal and Ahri were dating.

~Malzahar's PoV~

I looked at the photo. It had a picture of Ezreal and Ahri kissing. I laughed a bit. Lux must've been spying on Ezreal during that period.

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