Chapter One

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Betty Hopper

October 29, 1984

At 8:00 am on Monday, October 29, I followed Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan toward the doors of Hawkins High School.

"Steve, there are so many things wrong with this essay. I don't know how you are ever going to get into college." Nancy said to Steve as we walked through the parking lot.

"Well can't you help me fix it?" He asked and she shook her head.

"I can't fix something this bad. Maybe it's better you don't go to college. That way you can still be around while I'm in school." She smiled at him and he laughed.

"Maybe he'd learn something if they actually studied together," I said quietly to Jonathan and he laughed quietly.

"Ya, I guess." He looked at Nancy and Steve, he was jealous of what they had, everyone was. I was about to say something when the sound of a car engine stole our attention. We all turned to see a blue Camaro speeding into the parking lot, almost hitting a few people. We stopped walking and watched as a dirty blonde boy got out of the driver's side with a cigarette in hand. He had a mullet, one ear pierced and wore jeans, a tight white shirt, and a denim jacket. He sat on the hood of his car and smoked as a red-headed girl got out of the passenger side of the car and rode off toward the middle school on a skateboard.

"Who is that?" I asked, unable to take my eyes off him.

"I don't know, he looks like an ass," Steve said as he and Nancy kept walking. I looked back at the newcomer and saw a flock of girls admiring him. He looked over and flashed a grin at the girls right before turning away in disgust.

"Come on Betty, let's get to class," Jonathan said to me, noticing that I had stopped.

"Right." I shook my head and cleared any thoughts of the new boy out of my head.

"I wouldn't fall in love, you can smell trouble on him." He said to me as we walked to catch up with Nancy and Steve.

"What? No, that's not what happened. I was just curious." I said as I turned my head to look back at the boy, causing Jonathan to smirk.

"Well get your head out of the rabbit hole, Alice, we have math first period." Jonathan took my arm and pulled me toward the school doors.

The first period came and went, followed by the second and the third, but there was no sign of the new boy. It wasn't until the fourth period that I saw him. I was the first in the classroom, as usual, and I watched as other students trickled into the room. It wasn't until a minute before the bell rang that he walked into the room. Mr. Boushebel stood up from his seat at the front of the room and started to call the roll.

"Laura Carroll, Betty, Nancy Wheeler." He called every student's first and last name, excluding mine. I insisted that only those who need to know be informed of my last name. Jim Hopper, the Hawkins Chief of Police, was my adopted father. Making friends here was hard enough, it would be impossible if I was known as the "Police Chief's Daughter".

"Finally, our newest student, Billy Hargrove." I turned to look at the new boy, whose name was Billy.

"Why don't you tell us about yourself, Billy?" Mr. Boushebel said and Billy let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm originally from California." He said as he slumped back in his chair.

"Do you have any siblings Billy?" Mr. Boushebel asked again.

"No," Billy replied. If he didn't have a sibling, then who was the girl who got out of his car this morning? I shook the thought out of my mind and I suddenly realized I had been staring at Billy, who was one empty desk behind me.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He leaned forward and whispered to me with an annoyed expression.

"Sorry," I apologized and I quickly turned away. I could feel his eyes on me as I struggled to keep my eyes forward the rest of the class.

At 3:30 pm, the last bell of the school day rang and students flooded out of classrooms and into the hallways. I weaved my way through the crowds of people and out the front doors of the school. I walked to where the bike rack was and unchained mine. Dad wouldn't let me get my permit, even though it had been four months since my 16th birthday. I pulled my bike free and got on the seat. I began to pedal through the parking lot and I looked over to see Billy, sitting on the hood of his Camaro talking with a group of girls. As I pedaled past I turned and saw him watching me and he continued to watch until I was out of sight. Could he... No, that's impossible. I pushed the thought out of my head and I focused on the road. I kept pedaling until I reached the Police Station. I came to a halt on the steps and I got off my bike. I picked it up and carried it inside. I walked through the door and saw Flo sitting at her desk, reading a romance novel.

"You can leave the bike outside, I doubt it's going to get stolen at a Police Station." She said to me without looking up from her desk.

"How's the book, Flo?" I asked as I walked up to her desk.

"Better than the last one. He's in his office dear." She said, still not meeting my eyes. I nodded and started to walk past, as I walked by I stretched out my hand toward a bowl of candy on the side of her desk and she quickly pulled it away.

"Nothing gets past you, Flo." I laughed as I walked toward the back of the station, where Hopper's office was. I pushed the cracked door open and walked in. Dad looked up from a stack of papers and smiled at me.

"Hey, kiddo! How was school?" He asked as I sat down in one of the chairs and put my backpack on the ground.

"Good. There is a new kid at school." I said as he set down the paper he was holding and pushed the stack aside.

"Not a boy I hope." He laughed and I let out a nervous laugh.

"It's funny you would say that," I said and his smile disappeared.

"Betty, you know the rule on boys." He said sternly and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I know. Boys are animals who only want to get me pregnant and I can't date till I'm 32." I recited and he smiled.

"Chin up kid, you've only got 16 years left to go!" He said and I smiled.

"I'm not a little girl anymore," I said softly.

"You've been my little girl for almost six years, and you will be until the day I die, plus three days to make sure I'm dead." He said sternly before smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Are you going to be home tonight?" I asked as I stood up and grabbed my backpack.

"Yes, I'll be home at 6:00." He said and I began to walk out the door.

"Betty!" He called and I turned around. He got his wallet out of his pocket and pulled out a dollar. I walked over and took it from him and turned to walk out again. Hopper cleared his throat and I turned back around. He gave me a look and I smiled as I walked around his desk and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, Dad," I said as I walked to the door.

"I'm like an ATM, I've got a fee to get cash." He joked and I closed the door behind me as I walked out.

"See you tomorrow Flo," I called as I grabbed my bike and ran out the door. Once outside, I hopped on my bike and began to pedal home.

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