Chapter 14

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September 6th

Jack’s Car

Jackie was giggling as they parked up at the view point. “You’re so cute bunny.”

Jack blushed. “Thanks kid but I’m not as cute as you.”

They snuggled in to each other.

“I can’t believe we’re getting married in six days.” Jackie exclaimed.

“I know six days of privacy left.”

“I don’t care Jack as long as I have you.”

He grinned before kissing her.

He soon pulled her into the back and they were making out. Jack gently traced the buttons of her blouse and began unbuttoning them. He swiftly removed her top before getting to work on her underwear. “You are such a tease Jack Kennedy.”

“No it’s because you’re so damn hot.”

Jackie blushed and nuzzled his neck. Jack was now holding a topless Jackie in his arms when there was a knock at the window. “Shit.” Jack mumbled.

He held Jackie close and opened the window slightly. There stood a policeman. “Oh Senator Kennedy.”

“Hi….Is that you Greg?”


Jack breathed a sigh of relief. Jackie was trying not to laugh. “Please don’t go to the press.” Jack pleaded. “We were only having some fun.”

“I won’t Jack but be careful there are a lot of photographers down the road.”

“Ok thanks.”

Once Greg left Jack quickly shut the window and helped Jackie dress. “I am so sorry, luckily I knew him.”

“It’s fine bunny.” Jackie said. “It was kind of funny.”

Jack laughed and they drove home. As they got out of the car the press surrounded Jackie. “Are you excited to become a Kennedy Miss Bouvier?”

“Are you pregnant?”

“Do you love the Senator?”

Jack quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her into the house. She smiled. “Thanks.”

“Do you want to continue what we started upstairs?” Jack teased.

“Oh why not? We won’t see each other till the twelfth.”

Jack nodded and hurried her to their room. Lying on the bed were rose petals and a bottle of Champaign. “Jack did you do this?” Jackie asked.


He quickly saw a note. “Have a nice night, love Bobby and Ethel x.”

“That was sweet.” Jackie said as she pushed him down on to the bed.

“It was.”

They kissed passionately before getting under the duvet.

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