Chapter 13

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Rose and Joe’s House

Jack and Jackie had gathered the family and her parents were on the speaker phone. “Well we’re just going to tell you this. Jackie and I are engaged.”

Most of the family gasped. “Congratulations.” Ethel exclaimed as she hugged Jackie.

Joe stood up. “Are you mad?” Joe exclaimed.

“No Dad, I love her.”

“She’s not right for you!”

“That’s enough Joe.” Rose snapped. “They’re perfect for each other.”

Jack grinned and rubbed Jackie’s back.

“I knew it!” Teddy laughed.

“Shut up Ted!”

Jackie couldn’t stop smiling she was ecstatic. She quickly kissed his cheek.

“I’m happy for you both.” Rose said as she hugged the new couple.

“Thank you.”

Joe walked out of the room. As Jack went to talk to his sister’s Jackie backed out of the room. She found her new father in law standing on the porch.

“So Mr Ambassador am I not good enough for your son?” Jackie asked.

Joe turned round. “It’s not that I don’t like you it’s the fact your younger than him.”

“Just because I’m younger than him doesn’t mean I don’t love him or won’t be a good wife.”

“But I’m not sure your First Lady material Miss Bouvier.”

Jackie paused. “And how can you tell if someone is First Lady material?” Jackie asked.

“You just can.”

“And what am I?”

“You’re a journalist, your smart and have a quick brain.”

“You’re worried I’m smarter than Jack aren’t you?”


“Mr Ambassador, I don’t plan on telling Jack what to do, he will be in charge when we get to that white House.”

Joe smiled. “Welcome to the family.”

They went back inside and joined the party. Things seemed to be settling down.

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