Chapter 2

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Jack and Jackie were lying facing each other under Jackie’s white duvet. They were really close and could hear each other breathing.

Jack took his hand and gently traced Jackie’s jaw line. “That was fun.”

Jackie giggled. “It was.”

Jack smiled he loved the way her nose wrinkled when she smiled. He leaned in closer and let his lips brush against hers. They were kissing passionately when they heard someone running up the stairs. Before Jackie could pull away from Jack the door burst open.

Lee gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. Jackie quickly sat up and took the duvet with her just so she was covered. Jack slowly rolled over and sat up too.

“Lee I can explain.”

“No need.” Lee said fairly shocked.

“This is…..” Jackie said before being cut off.

“I know who he is, Senator Kennedy.

Jack extended his hand and shook Lee’s.

“I’ll be in my room, can I speak with you Jacqueline.” Lee said before walking out of the room.

Jackie quickly got up and started getting dressed she was pulling a pair of joggers on when she turned to Jack. “I’m so sorry.” Jackie said mortified.

“Its fine, it could have been worse.” Jack smiled.

Jackie giggled. “I’ll be right back and then we can have some dinner.”

“Ok kid.”

Jackie quickly went across the hall in to her sister’s room. Lee was staring out of the window. “Lee?”

She quickly turned round. “Have you completely lost your mind?”

“What? No!”

“You slept with him Jackie! He will never call you again.”

“Lee you don’t understand, he’s staying for dinner so please be nice to him.” Jackie exclaimed.

“Ok fine but Jackie do you really want to be the girl that will be followed by them.” Lee said as she pulled the curtain back. There was a large group of press outside.

“JACK!” Jackie yelled.

Jack quickly rushed in. He was half dressed; he just had to put his shirt back on. “What? Is everything okay?”

“There’s a lot of press outside.”

Jack walked over to the window and peered out. “God’s sake.” Jack mumbled. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Jackie replied.

“No it’s not Jackie, they’ll follow you everywhere, I don’t want them to do that to you.”

Lee looked shocked. “You actually care about her?”

“Lee.” Jackie hissed. “Come on Jack let’s go eat dinner, we’ll just close the curtains and ignore the press.”

Jack sighed. “Ok.”

Jackie guided him back downstairs. He sat down beside Lee and there was an awkward silence while Jackie served the food.

“So….did you have a nice day?” Jack asked.

“Just don’t hurt my sister.” Lee replied. “But yes I had a good day and I have a date tonight.”

“I would never hurt Jackie.” Jack protested.

Lee nodded as she sipped her wife.

“So who’s your date with?”

“A Polish Prince names Stash Radziwill.”

“How are you getting there?” Jack asked as he played with his beer bottle.

“Taxi probably.”

“You could take my car and fool the reporters.”

Lee smirked. “What so you can get out without being followed?”


“Well I suppose I could and you could get your car tomorrow. I’ll park it round the back.”

“Thank you I appreciate it.”

Lee smiled softly as she watched Jack, his eyes really did seem to light up when Jackie walked back into the room.

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