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*Sooooo sorry I haven't updated in like over a month! I will try to be more regular, I promise! And this is a short one cuz I had a certain idea of how I wanted to end this chapter*

Almost as soon as I get out of the salon, someone falls on pursuit behind me. Oh great. "Get away from me!" I yell, when they start following me into Flame Records. They pull out a phone and snap a picture.

That tears it. I'm already extremely pissed off, and this is just over my head. I storm over to the woman who took my picture. "Delete that," I say. She turns and walks the other way. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" I shout. I grab her shoulders and spin her around. "Look, I know Taylor sent you. I'm not an idiot. All I'm gonna say is that you better delete that picture right this minute, or I'll go somewhere else and completely disappear from Taylor's life!" I yell.

The woman looks scared, and just runs away. I groan, and walk into Flame Records. It's a small place, and looks more like someone's home. I guess they're just starting out? "Um, i'm Natalie Swift, Chris Towson told me to come here?" I say. The woman nods, but not at me, her focus is on something behind me.

Then, somebody shoves a dark bag over my head. I scream, and try to fend off my attacker. "Help?!!!!" I scream. Then, I feel a needle go into me, and I black out.

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