The Escape

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Natalie's POV

Chris walks in the room, holding an envelope, which he opens. It's full of cash. "Is that the money?" I ask hopefully. "Yep," he says with a sly grin. "So I can go?!" I ask. "Hell no! You think I wanna be tracked down?" he snaps. "You said!" I protest. "I lied," he says, and kicks me in the shin. "Ow!" I scream, and wish I had enough strength to kick him back. Instead, I black out.

When I wake up, Chris is gone. Since I'm not gonna be freed, I'll have to free myself. I see my cell phone across the room, and next to it, the handcuff key. Now, how am I gonna get to them? I look behind me, and see my chains. The nail is kinda loose, maybe I can pull it out. I gather up my strength, and pull. My wrists start to bleed from the metal cuffs, but I keep pulling, and am rewarded with falling on my face, but behind me, the nail clatters to the ground. I did it.

I did it.

I'm free! Well, sort of. Now to unlock myself. This is gonna be the hard part. I get myself to the table across the room and grab the key, but I drop it. This continues for maybe 10 minutes, until I finally get it in the lock, and free my hands. Then, I grab my phone and run out of the barn. I run as fast as I can. How big is this farm?! And where am I? Finally, I spot a gate, and run to it. Unfortunately, Chris Towson also sees the gate, and me.

I panic, and I fumble with the lock. I look behind me, and see he has a gun, and he's pointing it at me. I have the lock open, but I have to put my hands up to avoid being shot. He comes closer, and cracks a stick beneath his foot. He looks down at it, thinking it was me, and I take the opportunity to kick the gate open and run for it. I run as fast as my legs will carry me, run to the police station. "Help!!!!" I yell, and a police officer comes to my aid. I explain what happened, and he drives me home.

*Can you guys pleeeeeease suggest any ideas for the book? Unless I come up with something really good, I'm probably gonna be wrapping up the story soon.*

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