"Um, guys." Sienna said laughingly. "Could I possibly finish my cheese toastie?" She asked sweetly and the boys released her from the hug.

She resumed eating her cheese toastie while the boys hung out in her hotel room. Ashton and Calum were dancing, Michael had collapsed on the couch, and Luke stayed next to Sienna.

"I'm so proud of you." Luke smiled down at her. "You know that right?"

She smiled back at him and gave him a nod.

"You excited for tonight?" He asked her with a smile. He wondered how she would enjoy seeing her first show.

"I can't wait." She confessed after swallowing her food. "You nervous?" She asked curiously. "Do you get nervous?"

"Not for our shows." He shrugged. "For tv performances and award shows, a bit yeah." He chuckled. "Don't want to mess the lyrics up on The Today Show, you know?"

"I don't know how you do it." Sienna admitted. "I'd be too nervous to enjoy any of it."

"I feel..." Luke had to think for a moment to find the right words. "at peace," He decided. "when I'm on stage." He concluded. "It's, without a doubt, where I'm meant to be."

"I've told you that since we were kids, Luke." Sienna chuckled. "Ever since we used to sit in your room singing along to whatever song played through those pink speakers of yours." Luke laughed at the mention of his pink speakers. "Feels like another lifetime ago, doesn't it?"

"It really does." Luke sighed.

"Now, you're traveling the world and changing people's lives with your music." Sienna chuckled once again. "Your music means something to people, Luke. I hope you know that." She said just to make sure he remembered that. "Hell, there's still some of your songs I can't listen to without crying."

"Seriously?" Luke asked in shock.

"Wait until the show tonight." She laughed. "I guarantee I won't make it through it without crying."

"Aw, Enna." Luke teased, wrapping his arms around her. "I promise if you cry, I'll only tease you a little."

"Thanks, Luke."


Sienna hummed along to the Bowie song playing while she curled her hair.

She was fixing her hair now so that she wouldn't have to at the venue.

"Enna!" A voice suddenly yelled, scaring Sienna so much that she accidentally burnt her hand on her curling iron.

"Fuck." Sienna hissed, throwing her curling iron down.

The boy who had startled her rushed to her.

"Shit. Enna, I'm sorry." Calum sighed. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"I know." Sienna said as she looked at the new blemish on her hand.

"Wait here." Calum instructed. "I have something for this." He said before running out of the room.

Sienna ran her hand under cold water, wincing as she did so.

Calum returned quickly, breathing heavily from running. He held a small tube of Neosporin and a roll of bandages in one of his hands.

He patted the countertop with his hand, instructing her to sit there. Sienna obeyed and sat on the countertop next to the sink.

Dirty Little Secret // C.H.Where stories live. Discover now