“Hi, this is Grace Levitt from Royal London Hospital, I’m calling you because you were given to us as an emergency contact for Ms. Ainslie Parsons.” She said calmly.

My heart jumped into my throat and everything in me started to race. “What’s wrong?” I basically yelled nervously.

“Well, she collapsed and she’s undergoing testing right n-“

“I’ll be right there.” I said cutting her off. I hung up the [hone and then ran back into the green room.

Everyone glanced up at me as I tried to find all of my belongings, especially my keys. “I’ve got to go guys, Ainslie’s at Royal London.”

“Do you want us to come along?” Louis asked standing up nervously.

“Not right now.” I said shaking my head nervously. “Niall, are you all set for a ride?” I asked, remembering that I had driven him here.

“Yeah, mate. Let us know what’s going on.” He said as I ran out the door.

I ran down the hallway and down the stairs, all of the way to my SUV and then raced to the hospital.

“Ainslie Parsons.” I said running into the front desk.

“Are you family?” The secretary said slowly, eyeing me. Obviously she didn’t understand that I was in such a hurry and it was frustrating.

“I’m her emergency contact.” I said breathing out.

“Room 18, second floor.” She said nonchalantly.

I ran up the stairs, bypassing the elevator, right to the room.

Ainslie sat upright in the bed, a feeding tube going through her nose and an oxygen mask hanging off of her nose.

Her eyes got slightly wider as she noticed me walk in.

“Hello.” The doctor said cheerfully. “Is this Harry?” He asked Ainslie. She nodded slightly before looking away, avoiding eye contact with me.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Adams.” He said shaking my head. “She was brought by ambulance after she collapsed on the side of the road. She was extremely dehydrated and extremely malnourished. The oxygen mask is just for precautions. There’s no need to worry about that.”

I looked at her and she looked so broken.

“She’s almost all set to go home if you want to sign her discharge papers.”

Ainslie’s POV

Harry left the room for a good half hour before a nurse came in and unhooked me from everything.

I felt sick and I was tired as hell.

“We’ll get a wheelchair for you.”

Harry pulled his Range Rover up to the curb and a nurse wheeled me out, helping me up into the passenger seat.

Harry didn’t say much on the ride home, he just held me tightly as we walked into the house.

By the time all was said and done and I was actually home, it was dark outside and the roads were basically clear.

Harry left me in my room to sleep, only kissing me on the forehead and asking me if I needed anything.

The coldness that was radiating from him hurt so much.

I laid there for a while, unable to sleep before I gave up and got out of bed.

I tip toed out my door and into Harry’s room, not bothering to knock or anything.

Harry was shirtless, half covered up by his blankets with his back facing me as I closed the door quietly.

“What’s wrong?” Harry croaked as he rolled over to look at me.

“Nothing.” I whispered, crawling underneath the blankets next to him.

I kissed the cheek beside his nose and pulled back, feeling dampness.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered, concerned. Why was he crying?

He shook his head and sobbed.

“I don’t know what to do anymore, Ainslie.” He cried. “I’ve tried so hard and I’ve given you everything that I could possibly give and it’s not enough.”

I felt tears welling up in my eyes. From guilt, from seeing the guy that I was falling in love with cry.

“I’m sorry.” I breathed out.

“All I’m asking is that you eat something. Just eat.” He pleaded. “At least to keep yourself alive. You can barely even do that.” He leaned his head against mine and closed his eyes. “I feel like such a failure every time I see you skip a meal. If I can’t help you, I don’t know what will.”

He was giving up on me.

Harry, right beside me, was giving up on me.

“I can’t deal with this anymore.” He said lowly. “It’s tearing me apart.” He opened his eyes and stared at me. They were red and puffy and I could feel my heart breaking below me.

“Don’t give up on me.” I whispered, feeling a panic attack boiling up beneath me. “Please.”

Harry took a deep breath.

“I’m one step away from giving up, Ainslie.” He said shaking his head. “I can’t think of what else to do. I’ve given you your space, I’ve followed you around 24/7 making sure you eat, and it’s not enough.”

I just stared at him, hurting.

Harry took a deep breath and looked away. “I think you should check yourself into a clinic, because I can’t watch you do this to yourself anymore.”

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