Chapter 6

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Hello :) Sorry this one's a bit late today. I've been horribly sick all day long, but I forced myself to get out of bed just to write this! It's a bit short, so don't hate me.

Also, comment and talk to me. I love talking to people, and I feel like I know none of you. :(

xox Ari

Harry put his hand on the small of my back as he led me to the ‘private’ area that our managers had reserved for us.

It was basically just a booth that everybody else could see, but no one else could get into.

We both got another drink and he wrapped his arm around me and kissed me on the cheek before whispering in my ear.

“You look absolutely stunning tonight.” He said lowly, but loud enough that I could hear him.

I shook my head as he moved so I could say something back.

Honestly, clubs weren’t my place. All of the drunk people, the loud music that you couldn’t have proper conversations over… it was ridiculous and it was annoying.

“No one can hear us, Harry; you don’t have to chat me up.” I laughed.

I took out my phone, sending a quick tweet.

@AinslieParsons: Party! @Harry_Styles ;)

Harry laughed a big laugh that I could barely hear before bringing his mouth back to my ear. His lips just brushing it, sending chills down my spine.

“Believe it or not,” He started, “I’m not trying to chat you up for the media.”

I laughed at the slight slur that was in his voice from the alcohol. “Then you’re just drunk.”

“That’s a better possibility.” He paused for a second before looking back at me. “Do you want to go get something to eat?”

Food? It was bad enough that I was drinking. Alcohol had so many calories.

I made a face and shook my head.

A server brought over a few more shots for us. I was already extremely plastered, so I figured that a few more wouldn’t do anything whatsoever.

By the time we were both finished, we were both completely drunk.

My phone started buzzing from my clutch and I took it out to see Sophia calling me.

“Shh. Sophie’s calling me.” I slurred as Harry and I walked out of the club, basically completely entwined. “Hey Soph!” I cooed.

“The security called and told me that you two were completely drunk, so a cab is gonna pick you up and someone’s gonna take Harry’s Range Rover back to his flat. Okay?” She said slowly.

“Okay.” I said slowly. “Sophie, guess what!” I yelled into my phone.

“Be safe and good night, Ainslie.” She said calmly before hanging up.

Harry looked at me laughing. “We’re taking a cab home.” I slurred.

“But, my car.” Harry said slowly, suddenly looking like puppy dog who had lost his family.

A cab pulled up beside us and the driver got out. “Harry?” He asked nervously, looking at him.

“That’s me!” Harry screamed.

“Paul’s gonna take your Range Rover home, I’m here to drive you two home.” He explained slowly.

“Yay!” I yelled, piling into the cab without saying another word, Harry climbed in behind me, laughing.

What we were both laughing at, I’m not sure.

“Ms. Parsons, where is your flat?” The cabby asked after a moment.

“Follow this street for a little bit, you’ll see it.” I said trying to remember where it was. With my level of drunkenness, I had no clue.

“You should come over to my apartment!” Harry said extending his arms. They filled up from window to window in the backseat of the cab.

“But my bed is at home. It’s calling me.” I said putting my phone to my ear. “Ainslie!” I screeched in a higher voice, “Come back to me. I miss you.”

We both laughed again.

“But my bed is huge! It’s like, the size of a football field.” He yelled.

“Okay.” I smiled after a few seconds. “We are supposed to be a couple, right?”

Harry let out a big cheeky grin. “See!? It makes sense!”

“We’re here.” The cabby said. We both barely got out of the cab, falling over each other as Harry fumbled to open his door up.

“Harry, I don’t have any pajamas!” I screamed as I walked in.

He turned a light on, laughing and brought a finger up to his lips, shushing me. “You can wear some of mine. Come into my room.” He said running into a few things, sending us both off into another laughing fit.

After drunkenly fishing around for a while, he threw me a blue Jack Wills shirt and a pair of drawstring shorts.

“The bathroom’s around the corner.” He slurred. It was hard to see him seriously while we were both spittingly drunk.

I took my shoes off, throwing them into the corner. I slipped the shorts on, pulling the strings as tight as they would go and tying them around my waist, rolling them up a bit to see that they were still really long. I pulled my dress up over my head, throwing it on his bathroom floor as well.

I walked back into his room to find Harry curled up in his bed.

“Come cuddle with me.” He groaned.

I ran and jumped, landing on my stomach next to him before quickly crawling underneath the covers and nuzzling into him.

He wrapped both of his arms around me. My mind was spinning from all the alcohol, but all I could smell was everything Harry. His cologne. His clothes. His bed.

He was warm and comforting.

I tilted my head back to look up at him, smiling to see his green eyes in the moon light staring back down at me.

“You’re really cute.” I admitted.

“You think so?” He asked slowly. “I think you’re really cute.”

“Good.” I smiled, pushing myself up to reach his lips.

I kissed him lightly at first, my arms still wrapped around my torso, but it started to get rougher as he wrapped his fingers in my hair, pulling me closer to him.

Then I blacked out.

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