Your Number One Fan!

Start from the beginning

Kagame smiled again and quickly checked out all of the books for Kaa-chan and I. From the way her hands were moving, she was quite done with complimenting Kaa-chan. At this point, Kagame was just trying to get us to leave.

Soon enough, all of our books were packed and we were on our way out. I decided to try to soothe whatever wounds to Kagame's pride my Kaa-chan had caused by turning around and giving a friendly wave. Kagame almost cooed at me again, but instead just wiggled her fingers at me with a happy smile. I felt pretty proud of myself.

After our escapade to the library, we had retrieved a few notebooks, and gone home. I had immediately plopped into my corner, a little pocket of our house full of bean bags, pillows, and stuffed animals. It was usually where I brought kids when my parents brought them to our house. I had Intro to Konoha Politics In my hands, and a notebook sitting on my knee with a pencil jammed next to it. Surprisingly, I managed to get a few chapters in before falling asleep.

My life followed the same course for a few days, before Kaa-chan decided that it was time for me to get back on top of my physical conditioning.




Kaa-chan had started with just stretches a while ago, but now, she had gotten Tou-chan involved. When Tou-chan married Kaa-chan, he started making shinobi armor. Before that, he had been in Anbu. At least I thought so. He had only said that he had been a chunin, but when I asked about the types of missions he took, he had just smiled and ruffled my hair. He did tell me that he had been a taijutsu specialist, with a side of genjutsu.

Now, let me be clear, Tou-chan, wasn't anywhere close to Might Gai, but it didn't matter much when both were leagues above me. Tou-chan started me on conditioning. Tou-chan was mean.

Conditioning didn't mean what you might think. It wasn't gently breaking me into it. It was telling me to do a backbend and if I fell, telling me to run ten laps around the block.

The neighbors got used to seeing a sprinting three year old in the streets.

Kaa-chan had been a bukijutsu/kenjutsu specialist, but she was good in ninjutsu too, so before my conditioning every morning, I had to stretch, and stick a leaf to my forehead. At the same time. Lots of laps were run.

On a positive note, I had gotten good enough that I had started singing, if only for the ability to say that I had gone through hell and come out singing.

But what really mattered was when Kaa-chan and Tou-chan had work. They would leave me to my own devices in the house, while they both went to the shop/forge we owned next door. I used the time wisely. Some of it was used reading my textbooks like a good shinobi in training, but most of it was dedicated to writing down anything and everything I could remember from the series before I had been born into this world. That, and brainstorming. I had a vague idea of what to do to try and help Hinata.

Before I knew it the kumo-nin were in Konoha, and my plan was launched into action, and by that I mean I 'accidentally' meandered into the Uchiha compound. It was time to find Shisui.

I walked around for quite some time, before I finally got stopped by an Uchiha shinobi. He had typical Uchiha fluffy hair, and would have had quite the handsome face, were he not glaring down at me. You know, like an asshole.

"You lost kid?" He was purposefully lowering his voice to sound more gruff and intimidating. I stared at him for a moment, trying desperately from breaking into giggles. I snorted and suddenly lost it.

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