Chapter 4: Submission

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I could barely breathe.

The scent that engulfed him gave me goosebumps. It was musky and sweet, like cardamom, pink peppercorns, and violets. I squeezed my thighs together and pulled my eyes away from his, taking another swig of my wine. I was scared that if I opened my mouth something other than words would come out. What the hell was wrong with me? I was a lightweight granted but I'm only on my second glass.

"Would you like to dance with me?" He asked. I took another glance up at him. 

This isn't real.

I ignored him.

I saw him shift his weight from his right to his left foot. I looked at his outstretched hand and then I scanned the crowd for Fulani who had her stormy eyes glued to me. 

Do it. 

Her voice traveled through the air and straight into my ears. I wanted to shake my head no, but her eyes gave me a disapproving look. I shakily took another swig of my drink, and grabbed his hand. He led me through the dance floor towards the center of the room. 

Thank Gaia I was  blessed  a nymph, light on my feet. That was the only thing saving me. The man placed his hand firmly against my lower back forcing me closer to his chest. The wine and the intoxicating smell radiating off of him grew in intensity with every step we took.

 I was confused at what I was feeling, how I was feeling. Something I had never experienced before. I sense of urgency...want...lust. I'm sure he could sense my eagerness to get even closer to him and he fulfilled my unspoken request. I felt like I was on a high that I never wanted to come down from. The golden boy turned me around swiftly so that my back was flush against his broad chest. He held my hand around the back of his neck and pressed me closer, a delicate hand worked it's way up my thigh and held onto the hand I rested over my stomach...I could barely breathe. I could feel his essence lulling me into a lustful trance as we moved swiftly. 

As a virgin I couldn't compare it to a woman I could compare it to one or two things.

I could barely keep my mouth shut as his essence completely enveloped me. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as his heat covered me. I felt as if I were transcending. I felt like my body was being split open from the center. Was the room shaking or was it me?

And then it was gone...

The man was snatched away from me but his essence lingered. I turned around to look at the person who ended my trance, I was dazed, my body hot and heavy. Trying to pull itself back together.

A dark brooding presence slithered up behind him like a second shadow.
"Brother". His voice was like thunder and ice. His presence was more overbearing than his brother. His essence was undetectable, even as I looked at him. I inhaled deeply. 

Was I that drunk?

I watched the scene before me, it seemed that no one else was bothered...or even acknowledged it. The outside world seemed to have been put on pause.

The boy with the golden hair chuckled. "I'm sorry little brother." He ran a hand through his hair with a sly smile. The man with the darker features stayed silent, his dark eyes set on his brother.

I squinted my eyes and stared at the man, my mind churning sluggishly. I knew this man.

"You were in the café today," I murmured. Even if I couldn't see a face, I knew that presence, I knew that smell...his cologne.

 He ignored me. 

He grasped the man with the golden eyes by the back of his shirt and pulled him away. His long strides were sturdy and powerful. He flicked his finger in the direction of the young man who sat with Fulani.

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