Chapter 3: Golden Boy

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After spending half an hour in line, Fulani and I finally made it into the dimly light club. The cold air undoubtedly began turning my fingers and toes into blue nubs. My eyes widened as I took in the sheer size of this place. There was obviously a witches' illusion spell cast on this building. If I hadn't been a "creature of the night", undoubtedly I would believe that this was some rundown hole in a wall.

I held onto Fulani's hand tightly as she dragged me through the crowd, nausea stabbed me in the stomach as anxiety crept its way into my chest. The deeper we went, the more elaborate it became. The dark-colored walls shined brightly as swirls of red and purple lights danced across them. The music was loud and the air was thick with alcohol and lust.

As Fulani pulled me along, deeper into the lions den, soft moans began to fill the air and I shuttered, my eyes darted around the room trying to seek out the source. A blush crept onto my face as a saw a flash of a naked woman, her glossy eyes met mine and she smiled. Gold and red hues painted her skin making it seem as if she had been basked in the light of the sun. She was stunning and I was jealous, impressed, and embarrassed. I pulled my eyes away from her.

 I could feel myself breathe again, the damned vixen.

 How could Fulani bring me to a place like this? 

The bar was finally in sight, I sighed, hoping the worst of it was over. I was sadly mistaken. We walked by a row of cubicles, men and women were tucked away comfortably caressing and coaxing each other. It was sensual and erotic and this time I couldn't pull my eyes away. They were all engrossed in each other, the world a distance away. What separated me from their world was a sheer veil. That hid little from prying eyes. I'm sure this was intentional. I could see the silhouettes of bodies moving seductively behind closed curtains, soft moans echoed from those room. I blushed again. I wave of longing washed over me, my anxiety turned into instant depression. How lonely and pathetic was I?

"If you left the house more often, you wouldn't feel this way you know", Fulani said. As an air elemental she could definitely sense my emotions, and as a nymph, they were not easy to hide. My emotions often surrounded my essence. 

If I were to describe it to a essence looked like a ray of sunshine illuminating from someone's back. The brighter the shine, the more intense, pure, or powerful a creature. The color of their essence was determined by their mood. Or that was the general rule of thumb. Mortals had a very faint translucent essence as they were made from Prometheus, a god. 

I slid into a bar stool, closed my eyes and shook away whatever negative thoughts i had, I was here to have fun. To celebrate with Fulani. The bartender sashayed to us, her wide hips moved elegantly as she walked. The black leather dress clung to her body outlining every curve, not only did the dress suit her shape, the shade of black complimented her dark skin. She had bright green eyes, long black hair, and a black leather collar that matched her dress, she gave as a seductive grin and you could see her prominent canines. She was a lycaon no doubt.

"What can I get you?" She hummed?

"A Portela Mencía and a Cabernet Sauvignon for my friend." I murmured. She nodded once before sashaying away to get our drinks. Fulani sat next to me scoping out the crowd. Her stormy grey eyes flashed white, it was like you turned on a light bulb inside of her head, a wicked smile pulled on her lips, "Gotcha," she said devilishly, she nudged me, "you see that guy over there?" I frowned at her. "Fulani...there are like 20 guys over there." She sighed with a small shake of her head "Naomi. Please, use your head. I'm talking about the pale one.Black hair. Dead eyes." I nodded. 

"Okay, but doesn't he look a bit young?" She raised her shoulders and smiled at me. "What's age in the underworld?" She asked. I looked harder at the young man. His essence was dull and uninteresting. Just Fulani's type. No one could outshine her. Literally. If mortals could see what we saw, no doubt she would blind them.

She grabbed her wine from my hand and patted my head "Watch and learn my little flower".  She walked so gracefully it looked as if she were floating. Her long mocha legs contrasted dramatically against her white dress. Her thick white hair that had been clipped up until now,  fell down around her shoulders in a cascade of curls and waves as she removed the clip. This was her moment, as soon as she let down her hair, eyes wandered to her. It was as if a spotlight had singled in on her, the way she shined so brightly. She was like the moon.

 I sighed happily. I was more than content just watching her at times like this.  She was unlike anyone I had ever known, she was more than a friend, more than a sister if that was even possible.


I watched as she approached the bored and unexpecting man. His eyes fell onto her lazily. She sat down next to him and crossed her long luxurious legs, she placed her hand on his lower thigh. She leaned over close to his ear, I'm sure she was whispering sweet nothings. I smiled at her and then turned around in my seat to give her 'privacy'.

This was a really nice place now that I thought about it. The vibe wasn't my style but the place was well decorated, the wine was delicious, the music was great. Maybe I did need to do this more often, even if I did feel out of place. I looked around. I couldn't sense another nymph in here unsurprisingly. I would still expect that in this day in age their would be more of my kind. More than likely, they're too far removed and could never pass to get in a place like this OR they're hiding out someplace like in a cafe or a library.

My thoughts were cut off by an approaching presence. I could feel how thick his essence was, I stiffened a little.  I turned around slowly. The man was staring in my direction. I looked behind me, to the left, and to the right, I even scanned for the bartender. He wasn't looking at me?  Right. He smiled. 

I almost had the urge to look round again - 


His thick Greek accent rang in my ears. He had long brown curly hair with shades of gold running through it. His golden eyes locked onto mine and I couldn't look away. I felt trapped...comfortably. Comfortably trapped. His essence was like the sun on a 85 degree day at the beach.  The stubble on his chin accentuated his chiseled jaw. The silver jewelry scattered across his body contrasted beautifully against his golden skin. He was powerful, even while exerting small amounts of essence. 

He was terrifying.


I would like to address the mythology of this story. In my mind, all of my stories take place in several multiverses (like DC or Marvel). In this Universe, the presiding mythology is Greek.  Meaning that Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, etc. does not exist in the sense that it does in our current world today. 

Thank you.

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