Chapter 1

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-Apologies for choosing an "OC" as I described an outfit. But please if you're gonna cry "it's an OC not an x reader" complain I also made your character an animatronic and dead and chose your actions. Isn't every character in an x reader an "OC"? Thanks in advance-

Y/n POV:

Despite feeling like the heaviest weight upon my face, slowly my eyes activated with a slight buzz ringing in my ear, hesitantly fading out as my eyes adjusted to the surrounding darkness. A familiar place. The faint scent of pizza and cooking could be detected from somewhere, reminding me I'm certainly still in the pizzeria. My head felt like a ton of bricks, practically hanging loose without support. Considering my form was in animatronic, it confused me, but I'd also never been in that situation before. The back room ... I finally recognised it. Little of my time had been taken up in this room. But things were different now. Once able to look at things in the darkness, the view of my friends having been carelessly thrown to the ground took up my attention. I flinched, it was a horrible sight. A painting of nothing but despair and pain laid in front of me. All I wanted was to close my eyes and re-appear back on stage - where I belonged. But nothing happened. As I felt exhausted and sore, I took a glance over the appearance of the others. They were all recognisable, but not like who they used to be. 

Freddy had been in better shape, he was now missing an ear and looked more tattered than ever before. Darker spots had started spreading along his fabric, perhaps stains or dust? Foxy appeared worse than before, the staff never took proper care of him but now it looked almost purposeful with an intent to cause harm to him. Chica's hands were missing and her fur all looked matted down and rough. Bonnie ... they completely tore off his face and arm. A sharp breath came from me as I couldn't avert my eyes away from him. A most depressing sight. All of us were slumped either against the bland, grey walls or tossed to the floor. I didn't even want to know my own appearance. A rush of memories ambushed my mind and I almost felt myself flashback to them as the vividness played out in my head. We were scrapped ... they tore us away from the stage once all the kids and families left and they completely got rid of us. Using our parts for our replacements. Replaced, just the word set discomfort in me. Years of the same routine meant our usual normality would no longer be ours. I questioned why they even kept us. Another faint buzz started ringing in my ear along with a gentle white light glowing from somewhere, being projected on the floor. They came from Freddy's eyes, flickering a moment before finally keeping a steady light. I felt thankful of him being alive and working.

"The hell?" Freddy questioned, his voice box jagged and sharp, a little more silenced than usual. Metallic sounds clattered from him as he sat up from the ground, making his way to lean against the wall.

"Are you okay?" I asked in a hushed tone. The uncertainty of what now laid outside brought down my confidence. Freddy almost jumped at the sound of my voice, being just as distorted as his own. It shocked me, too, but the warmth in his eyes when they met mine settled down that feeling.

"Guess not the best. Where are we?" He asked, squinting his eyes a bit to adjust them to the darkness just like I did. His eyes widened as they studied over each person individually before taking note of his own fur, "is this the back room?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure."

He spent a few seconds glowing through his metal before become a shadow as he turned into his human form. The colour in him returned as he finished his transformation. He looked the same, just a bit messed up. His shoulders shook in a shiver as he adjusted his clothes in an attempt to tidy them. I decided to copy his actions in turning into my human form. An instant shiver sent its way along my body without hesitation. Thankfully, my clothing was fairly thick and allowed some heat to remain in my body as the cold crept its way across me. Due to my outfit corresponding to the animatronic I was forced to be, it wasn't the warmest clothing I could hope for. But there was nothing I could do. A simple grey cat was the animatronic I was stuffed into, all being animals that could be related to a farm apart from the star himself, always having to be one to stand out. Speaking of the star, our eyes met once again.

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