The Master and the Foretellers

Start from the beginning

The man as if noticing his thoughts relaxed and put a comforting hand on the Nobody's shoulder.

"If you wanted to know how I know who you are or what the future is, well I can't say that for now as we are on a limited time frame before my apprentices appear. But you should know that I found out what Ava did only yesterday. Can't say what she did was irresponsible beyond belief, but I'm honestly glad she changed the timeline. As for how I know Ava, well she is the youngest of my apprentices. Now for who I'm it is not so simple. I'm known by many names, but the one I prefer to be called is the Master of Masters! But please just address me as simply The Master or Master from this point forward." The Master said calmly, but his tone was filled with merriment. If it wasn't for the hood Roxas would assume the man was smiling underneath it.

"Alright." Was all Roxas said as he began to process what he heard from The Master. He not only knew what would happen in the future, but also how he and Ava traveled back over 12 years into the past. The fact that he could tell what would happen centuries or possibly millennia into the future was startling. It was probably best not to think about it as The Master didn't seem willing to share the method he could do it for right now. But for now he decided to ask the first thing on his mind.

"So your Ava's Keyblade Master, then why do you have a title like Master of Masters?" Roxas asked bluntly.

The Master was silent for a moment before he let out a chortle. Soon it grew into a giggle, then into chuckling, and finally into laughter. He let it hang into the air for a minute before he composed himself.

"Thank you Roxas, I really needed that with all the things I've been seeing lately." The Master said before he put the orange flask onto a nearby bookshelf. "As to answer your question my title is rightfully earned. I may not be the first Keyblade Master as like everyone else I had to learn from somewhere, but I'm one of the first known and possibly the strongest Keyblade Master to have ever lived. Plus all of the Keyblade Masters of your era can trace their teachings all the way back to myself and my six apprentices Luxu, Ira, Aced, Invi, Gula, and Ava. Each and everyone of them are some of the strongest Keyblade Masters to ever live with only a handful that I know of to have existed between my time and yours to have been on par with or surpass them." He continued, puffing his chest out in pride at the thought of his apprentices.

Roxas once again shifted through the new information that he had just learned from the man. Not only was Ava a Keyblade Master like Eraqus, but was also one of the earliest to ever exist. But not only that, but in a way this man in front of was the very origin of Keyblade wielding itself. Passed down through the ages from master to apprentice. Well except for ones like himself, Sora, and Riku as he knew that they were mainly self taught. The only other person of his time that knew how to use a Keyblade was King Mickey and Roxas was guessing that he was a Keyblade Master.

However that brought another question to his mind. What happened to Eraqus, Terra, Aqua, and Ven?

However before he could say anything, The Master covered his mouth with a gloved hand.

"I know that you have a lot of questions on your mind, but we don't have enough time for all of them so just pick two questions and stick with them." The Master said. He then removed his hand and pointed at his wrist. As if he was showing the Nobody that he was running out of time.

Roxas immediately knew one question that he wanted to ask.

"How are interacting with me? Last time I tried no one else could see, touch, or hear me?" He asked. It might be one of his least important questions to ask. But his had an inkling that the man in front of him wouldn't give him any information about what would in his time soon.

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