Hero Takes a Fall

Start from the beginning

Alicia pulls the bill of her baseball cap a little lower, hiding her face as best she can as she follows Nick along the narrow paths twisting around the marketplace. They walk slowly as Alicia's heart pounds against her ribcage, a constant reminder of the imminent danger she's put everyone in.

She keeps her head low, earning more than a few sidelong glances and can't help but to marvel at the ease Nick strolls along ahead of her. He walks as if nothing is wrong, and the vendors love him for it. He smiles and comments briskly as they try to pitch their goods to him, never once questioning whether or not he's suspicious. All Alicia can do is follow in his footsteps as best she can, but she feels herself failing miserably at blending in.

Nick suddenly reaches his hand back, and Alicia wordlessly wraps her fingers around his. She's startled as he pulls her quickly behind a stall. Nick peers around the corner, whipping back around, holding a finger to his lips, just as a pair of Proctors strolls past.

"The blonde one? You're sure it was her?" Alicia hears one of them ask, and her heart stops beating for a moment. She subconsciously leans forward, desperate to hear if Elyza has been captured.

"She's hard to forget. That bitch blew up my bike." Alicia peers around the corner and glares into the back of the passing Proctors, the winged skull swaying with each step. "Come on, I want to be there when they grab her," his voice trails off as the pair turns another corner.

Alicia releases the breath she didn't realize she was holding and looks back a Nick. Elyza is okay. For now. She opens her mouth, but before words can come flooding out, Alicia is distracted by that familiar color of blonde hair strolling right by them. Alicia reaches her arm out and firmly grasps the Aussie before she passes the stall and pulls her close.

"Elyza! You're okay," Alicia stutters as she runs her hands up and down Elyza's arms. "You're okay." She pulls her into a tight embrace, fully ignoring the confusion plastered on Elyza's face.

"Course I am, love," Elyza assures her before stepping away. "What's going on? Aren't you supposed to be exposing yourself right about now?" Elyza tilts her head to the side and spots Nick hovering just behind Alicia. She takes a surprised step forward. "Nick, mate, what's wrong? Where's Luciana?"

Ignoring all of Elyza's questions, Nick clears his throat and surprises Alicia with how calm and sure his voice sounds. "Mom's not here. We need to go. Now."

"What, what do you mean she's not here?" Elyza looks from Alicia to Nick and back again. If the situation weren't so life-threatening, Alicia would have laughed at the utter bewilderment in Elyza's eyes.

"He means she's not here," Alicia repeats adamantly. "The plan is off."

"That's easier said than done, love."

"What are you..." Alicia starts but stops the moment she remembers Elyza's part of the plan. "The bombs," she mutters aloud.

"Found what I needed. Everything's locked and loaded," Elyza confirms with a slight grimace.

"Turn them off!" Alicia panics.

"Why?" Elyza argues. "We can use the distraction to get out of here unseen."

"Elyza, turn them off. The innocent people..." Alicia falters as thoughts of all the people that will be injured or killed when Elyza's explosives go off overwhelm her mind. All the wasted lives. Wasted because Alicia was foolish enough to march in here without knowing all of the facts. Without confirmation that her mother was actually being held captive here.

"Alicia, love. You were okay with collateral damage when we devised this plan," Elyza states calmly.

Alicia sharply inhales before going off. "That was when I thought they had my mother! They don't. Take the detonator, and turn it off. Smash it into a hundred pieces for all I care, but turn it off," her voice cold and hard as she finishes.

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