Here Right Now

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The soundtrack of the fire crackling and night birds calling fades as the sunrise stirs Alicia from sleep. She begins to sit up but is trapped by the weight across her stomach. She looks down to see Elyza's naked body half sprawled across her own, her head nuzzled just below her breasts, and Elyza's right leg hooked securely over hers. Elyza's right arm rests gently over Alicia's torso, and she can't help but laugh internally at the sight. This woman, this strong, stubborn woman, looks so small and soft cuddled against her.

Alicia runs her fingers through Elyza's hair, gently rousing her from sleep. "Elyza, wake up."

She feels a grumble against her stomach as Elyza's arm tightens around her middle. "No, it's too early. Sleep more, love."

"We should get dressed," Alicia chuckles. The sun peeks through the windows illuminating Elyza's hair in a fiery glow as she finally props herself up next to Alicia. The redhead gives her that smirk and begins to drag her fingers up and down Alicia's stomach. Each press of her fingernails causes a shudder that shakes Alicia's whole body.

"I'm pretty sure you should never wear clothes ever again, love," Elyza murmurs, her voice dripping with suggestion. She continues trailing her nails over Alicia's skin, her hand getting lower and lower.

"As appealing as that sounds," Alicia stutters, trying to maintain her composure as Elyza's ministrations work her up at an embarrassingly quick pace. "I'm pretty sure you'd get awfully jealous when other people stared."

Elyza's hand freezes as she contemplates Alicia's words. She nods with an oh-so-serious look on her face. "Well spotted. You're onto something there. Clothes in public," Elyza declares. She smirks and then continues her finger's exploration, never quite reaching the destination Alicia longs for her to be. "But I'm instating a strict no clothes policy when we're alone."

"Deal," Alicia agrees, taking in a trembled sigh. "As long as this policy extends to yourself as well."

Elyza pauses once again and looks Alicia directly in the eye. "That could be an amendment to the decree. Have your people get back with my people. They'll see to it that it's added," she concludes seriously. Elyza winks and gives Alicia that devilish smirk before rolling on top of her. "In the meantime..." Elyza kisses her deeply, all teeth and tongue, and Alicia finally feels her hand wander down to where she needs her the most.


"This bloody bike is cactus!" Elyza groans.


"I can't get it to start. Bloody thing is useless, love," Elyza pouts, kicking the front wheel of the abandoned motorcycle.

"So... While you were tinkering away at that bike, I found another one," Alicia states cautiously. She grabs the rag resting on the broken bike's seat and wipes away a grease streak from Elyza's face. "Key was still in the ignition, and I was able to get it started."

"You did? Well, why didn't you say so, love? Chop chop, let's get a move on," Elyza claps her hands and gestures for her to lead the way. Alicia doesn't move from where she stands and pulls her bottom lip between her teeth nervously. "What? What is it?" Elyza questions, her hands coming to rest on Alicia's upper arms.

Alicia sets her jaw and gives herself a nod of determination before leading Elyza through the abandoned cars. She stops in front of a large cargo van and gestures behind it.

"Not a bloody chance in hell, love," Elyza says firmly, shaking her head with a grimace.

"Come on," Alicia argues. "It works. It has gas."

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