"Nope nothing else. Just hope Lauren doesn't go insane when she see you with him" Becky says while finishing her makeup.

"Becky there is nothing between me and Lauren. We just talk a few times that's it." Camila states

"Sure okay if those midnight text you two send each other has anything to say about it" Becky replies with a smirk.

"Beatrice Gomez, Have you been looking through my phone?" Camila accuses. 

"Didn't have to you just confirmed it" Becky says with a huge smile

"You are impossible" Camila says shaking her head. 

"Come on admit it, you like Lauren" Becky says 

"I will not admit anything now are you ready so we can go. Matthew said he can give us a ride since your car is getting fixed. 

"Oh so now Matthew is driving us places. You just met the guy" Becky says messing with Camila

"Stop he is a nice guy plus I kind of invited him to Nicky's with us" Camila says biting her bottom lip

"Are you fucking serious? Does Lauren know this?" Becky asks 

"Dinah was who reminded me of Nicky's today and I told Dinah and she said it was fine." Camila responds grabbing her keys.

"Oh this should be fund then" Becky says with a knowing smirk.


"Alright ladies her you go. We got the midnight swirl for Camila and the blue moon beer for My baby" Normani says giving Becky a kiss on the cheek

"Thank you. So where are Lauren and Dinah?" Becky asks after taking a sip of her drink

"Playing pool. So tell me Matthew how long have you been in town?" Normani asks trying to be calm even though she can sense Lauren's discomfort with him there. 

"Oh Um well I was kind of born here but moved when I was really little. I got back in town probably 5 days again" Matthew answers

"And today was your first day of classes? weird normally the office finishes the paper work in 2 days." Ally states 

"Well they has to wait on the transfer paper from my old school" Matthew answers 

"Right well you want to play pool? I think Dinah and Lauren are done" Normani says getting up

"Uh yeah sure" Matthew says getting up too and following the girl. 

"Yo Smallz Darts?" Dinah says reaching the table and looking at Ally

"You're on" Ally says getting up while Lauren takes her seat. 

"Hey Dinah Why don't I join you" Becky says getting up also and leaving Lauren and Camila alone at the table. 

"Haha, Can they be more obvious" Lauren says with a chuckle.

"Obvious about what?" Camila asks

"They just did the let's leave Camila and Lauren alone trick" Lauren responds while taking a pull of her beer

"Oh, uh I didn't notice" Camila replies

"You okay Camila? you look nervous or something" Lauren asks in a worried tone and moving to Becky's old seat next to the younger girl. 

"I'm fine" Camila responds

"Don't lie to me come on I thought we were friends" Lauren states 

"Did you tell Normani about our text?" Camila asks 

"Uh no why?" Lauren asks 

"It's just that becky said something earlier about them." Camila states. 

"Hey it's probably Becky just messing with you. Plus I wouldn't tell anyone about the stuff we talk about" Lauren says taking Camila's hand in hers making Camila look into her green eyes

"So you didn't mention anything about anything to her?" Camila asks in a low voice

"I said nothing. Is that what you were worried about?" Lauren asks her

"Yeah a little." Camila responds leaning closer into Lauren.

"Don't worry I won't say anything" Lauren replies caressing Camila's hand slowly Making Camila move closer to the Green eyed girl. 

They were centimeters apart when all of a sudden there was a loud slap on the table making them jump apart.

"Hey Camila want to play pool?" Matthew asks as is he hadn't just ruined a possible moment between the two girls. Making Lauren tense in a not so friendly way. 

"Actually Matthew, I don't play pool" Camila states in a polite tone even though she was a bit agitated 

"I can teach you if you don't know" The guy offered. 

"She said she doesn't play so why not continue to play with Mani I bet she can continue to give you one hell of a game" Lauren answers trying to remain calm. 

"I-I guess" Matthew says stepping back and returning to the pool table with Mani. 

"Sorry about that, um where were we?" Lauren asks trying to get back to Camila almost kissing her

"You were going to help me play darts" Camila says with a smirk. 

"Right, Darts" Lauren says with a knowing smile. 

A/N: This one is a bit longer I hope. But it's a build up into the story. From here the slow burn should stop. 

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