chapter 7

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*Leos POV'

 wow me and Henriette know everything about each other now! but what can i do to get her to like me?  'hey, do you want to go and try to fight with sword?' i asked ' OMG's yes, that sound fun' she said

' walks to the sword arena'

' Um isn't that Chris and Marie?' she said ' yes it is, do you want to walk over to them?'i asked. ' yes, lets suprise them, i dont think the have seen us yet' she said 'yes' i said with a smile in my face. 

'Marie and Liam Christopher sytarts to fight*

' OK on three' i said ' one.... two' before i had the chance to say three Marie and Li kissed! i was so shocked that i fell from my hide place an mede a lot of noises that they stopped to kiss. Li an Marie were both lokking strange at me and i could hear Henriette laugh. what a beautiful laug.... no i cant think about that now. Henriette comes and help me up. 'so whats up' i ask to Li and Marie... 'Ummm, we were fighting with sword' Marie said ' are you sure you didnt do anything else' Henriette says and try not to laugh.... ' you know it looked like you to were kissing' I says and smile.. 'and whats wrong with that, the both asked me and smiled to each other. 'nothing' i said ' Marie im so glad you fiannely made a boyfriend!' Henriette says ' HE-HE-HE' Marie says ' well, i do have a boyrifend' she said and lokked up at Chris, andd he smiled to her. ' well its me first day here' Henriette said ' met to' Marie said.... 'Okay, ill let you to lovebirds be alone' Henriette said. Maire smiled to us and whispered somthing like thanks.

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