The Epilogue

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17 Years Later

"Eommaaaaaaaa...." Taemin whined. "Pleeeeeeease?"

"What did your father say?"

"To ask you."

Of course he did...

"Does your uncle know about this?"


"What about Mr. Jung? Do he and Jungkook know your plans with their son?"

"I'm not going to do anything...I...I just want to spend time with him. And he was JUST talking about how he wanted to go to the amusement I bought the tickets. Jaxon is going too!"

"Oh so he's going to be the 3rd wheele?"


I raised an eye brow.

"He uh...he's meeting his girlfriend there too."

"Will you be asking Minhyuk to be your boyfriend on this date?"

I don't think he expected that. I watched as his cheeks flushed a bright and deep shade of red and he looked down at his feet. He played with his fingers a bit not looking up to me. I knew it. After a moment I started to feel bad by embarrassing him and walked forward pulling his face to meet mine.

"I knew you liked him." I teased.

"Eomma..." he said softly pushing my hand away. "I...I really do."

"Look at my little boy...into younger men. Just like his Eomma." I smiled.

He looked up with me with his father's smirk on his face. "I didn't know you were older than Appa."

I nodded. And placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "Be back by midnight...he's still only 17 so he has a curfew...and you be absolutely sure to shake both Mr. Jung and Jungkooks hand and thank them for letting you take their son on a date."

His smirk turned into a smile. "Really??"

I nodded again. "Don't make me regret it." I warned him pointing my finger to his face.

He smiled even brighter, again reminding me of his father, kissing the tip of my finger. "I won't, thank you Eomma."  Just then he grabbed his hoodie and his keys taking the $50 bill from my hand and he was out the door.

"You caved." I heard from being me.

"Caved? 'Go ask Eomma'" I mocked.

He laughed. "I didn't care that he was going...I just wanted him to tell you WHY he was going."

"Did you know he liked Minhyuk?"

He wrapped his arms around me kissing me on my lips. "It's kind of obvious, baby. You havn't seen it?"

I sighed. "I think I was ignoring it." I admitted. "I know he's 19 now and with Minhyuk going to his University next year...I didn't want to believe that my baby was growing up."

"He's a man, not a baby."

"He's my baby." I said softly kissing him on his lips again.

He chuckled. "I know. But your baby isn't a little boy anymore...he's a man."

I nodded and placed my head on Jin's chest. "You know this is the last summer he's going to stay with us right?"

"What do you mean?"

"He wants to get an apartment with a few friends next year...which means he will stay there through the summer. He talked about getting a part time job..."

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