Chapter 23: The Real First Time

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I heard the sharp intake of his breath as soon as the words left my lips. Then he groaned rolling his head into my neck simultaneously. "Fuck." He breathed out. He pulled his head up to look at me and just as before, the beast was escaping. He quickly pulled up dragging me to the end of the bed again, me letting out a short gasp. He pulled me to my feel at made me stand in front of the bed. He then sat down leaning against my still broken headboard crossing his arms across his chest. I stood there slightly confused as his furrowed brow softened and his smirk reappeared.


It wasn't shouted at me. He wasn't loud. In fact he was speaking regularly. But he just demanded me to strip. If I wasn't wet before, I was now. Between his sweet words, his confession, and the animal he was slowing letting free...I was wet.

There wasn't really much for me to strip, so I thought I'd start with the cat ears.

"Ah!" Jin said waging his finger at me as I reached for the headband. "Leave those on, Kitten."

That kinky fuck.

I bit my lip intentionally before responding. "Yes, Oppa."

The fire in his eyes was almost comical...but I didn't want to laugh in fear of punishment. So instead I turned around and thank god I did as I eyed my small speaker that is connected to the Bluetooth on my phone. I pulled my phone out and put on some slow music on a high volume. "Sweet Dreams" the Emily Browning version, was the first song to come on...PERFECT. I swayed my body to the slow beat and eventually started to lose myself. I kept my back to him as he reached behind me to untie the corset from my wasn't nearly as hard to untie and I allowed my hands to loosen it up as much as I could. Turning around I saw his eyes with a new kind of hunger...a lust I have yet to know from him. I couldn't get the dress off completely on my I made my way to him and he followed me with his eyes barely moving a muscle. I turned around slowly again hoping he would understand my need for assistance.

Thankfully he did, and I felt his warm touch as he pulled each string loose and his other hand gripped my waist holding me in place. Once he was done I turned back around, only then allowing the dress to fall from my hips and pool at my feet. Jin's eyes widened even more and he summoned me to come closer with a slow curl of his finger hanging in the air. I slowly walked to him and when I made it to the bed I crawled the rest of the way. My breasts were bouncing perfectly under the lace and my nipples were hard instantly when his hands took hold of me and pulled me hard into him.

"You are very...very naughty, Kitten." He said slowly. "Naughty girls get punished." I didn't even notice the handcuffs missing from his belt as he took both wrists in his hand pressing them together behind me. I felt something cold around my wrist and then heard a sharp click. I heard it again shortly after as I could feel the metal securing around my wrist.

This. Kinky. Fuck.

He had handcuffed my arms behind my back and I am glad I was straddling his hips to help me balance. He looked me up and down and his eyes lingered on my exposed womanhood. He took his finger and lightly traced over the folds of my womanhood causing me to tremble at his touch. He looked up to me and pushed his fingers past my folds and smiled as he felt my wetness stain his fingers.

"Already, Kitten?" He hummed. "I've barely touched you. Who made you this wet?"

"You Oppa." I softly whispered as he started to trace my sex teasingly. He didn't dig his fingers inside of me nor did he touch my clit...I knew exactly the game he was playing. "Only you can make me this wet from a single touch." I cooed at him. "Only you."

He moved his hand away from my core and skimmed his fingertips over the bodice of the lace up until he met my breasts. My nipples were hard and proudly poking out of the lace. He placed his tongue on one of them teasing me even more. I couldn't even react properly for my arms were still locked behind me. He suckled lightly before letting go of my nipple.

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