"Lorelai, New England states are renown for the foliage in the fall.  Logan grew up here.  I am sure he misses the colorful display in California,"  Richard interjected.  "And he did just say he had an engagement in New York tomorrow night."

"Nothing like the colors here, Richard,"  Logan said.

"Well, we are glad to have you back.  And, even though it sounds mean, we are happy your parents weren't in town so that you ended up here.  Their bad luck is our good luck, I suppose,"  Emily said.  "Now, everyone sit.  Have a drink as I check on dinner."  She began to walk towards the kitchen, but turned back quickly when she saw Lorelai moving to sit next to Rory.  "Oh no, Lorelai you sit over there by Luke.  Let Logan sit next to Rory."

The group sat and had a before dinner cocktail while Rory updated her grandparents on her new role as writer for the band.  She told them about her interviews and meeting with Rolling Stone.  To her surprise, her Grandfather produced a copy of the Rolling Stone that contained her first article on Hep Alien.  He asked her to sign it so that he could have it framed claiming the young edge would interest clients in his office.

Soon, Emily announced dinner was ready and asked everyone to move to the dining room.  Again, she arranged seating so that Rory and Logan were next to each other. 

Emily had ordered the chef to make pot roast, Rory's favorite.  Conversation through dinner was animated.  But Rory was careful not to act too friendly with Logan or stare at him too long.  It took all her effort not to touch him, but she managed.  He brushed her leg twice under the table, but she tried to show no reaction.  Emily and Richard were under the impression he was involved romantically with Claudia.  Rory was not ready to tell them she and Logan were attempting to rekindle their relationship, especially with him sitting right there.

After the meal ended, Logan stood and thanked Richard and Emily for dinner.  He said, "It was a delicious meal, Emily.  Thank you for having me.  It's been a while since I have had a home cooked meal.  This was a wonderful treat."  He shook hands with Richard and said, "I apologize for eating and running, but as I said, I am only in town tonight.  I made plans to meet up with Colin and Finn for a few drinks and to catch up.  I am afraid I am already late, but this was well worth it."  He paused and looked at Rory.  He acted like a light bulb just went off in his head and he suddenly had a brilliant idea.  He said to her, "Say... Rory, would you like to come along?  I am sure Colin and Finn would love to see you.  You were always good friends with them.  I could drive you home later."

A small smile crept across Rory's face.  Lorelai snorted and received another withering look from Emily.  Rory said, "That sounds like fun.  Would you mind if I cut our visit short too, Grandma?"

Ever the match-maker, Emily looked thrilled that Logan and Rory would be spending more time together.  She quickly agreed, "Of course not!  You work so hard.  Go have fun, dear!  We'll just have an after dinner drink with your mother and Luke."

As Rory and Logan were putting on their coats, Lorelai whispered in Rory's ear, "Slick, the boy is still slick.  I must take notes and learn his escape tactics,"  Rory smiled as Lorelai continued, "Of course, you do know this leaves me alone with Grandma now.  Thanks!"

"I'll see you at home later, Mom,"  Rory said in response.  Then she winked and said,  "Don't wait up."

As soon as Rory and Logan were in the car, she turned to him and said, "What on Earth are you doing here?"

"I thought you'd be happy to see me, Ace,"  Logan said with his signature grin.

"I am!"  she exclaimed.  Then she laughed, "So you were craving New England foliage?"

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