Part 18

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The next few days flew by for Rory.  She spent her days while Lorelai was at work writing her article on Gil and his family.  She also spent a lot of time catching up on her reading.  Rory was beginning to feel like her old self.  It had been a long time since she read and wrote for pleasure.  The article on Gil was for work, but she was really enjoying this series. Coming home was just what she needed to get herself back.  It was nice not living in a hotel room for a bit.  And, as much as she loved Lane, it was nice having a little privacy and space.

It was Friday.  Rory hadn't heard from Logan all day.  She spoke to him on the phone the night before for a long time.  They had more hot phone fun, and then they whispered to each other in the dark for a long time.  It reminded Rory of the times they had made love and then stayed awake in bed for hours just talking. She didn't realize how much she missed all the little things like that.

Rory checked her phone for texts one last time.  She had told Logan her plans for the evening, but she still hoped to hear from him.  She sent him a quick text saying that she was headed to Hartford for dinner with her grandparents and would try to call him later.  Then she grabbed her jacket and went to the living room to meet her mom and Luke.

"It's about time!  You know Mom is going to blame me if we are late.  I was waiting here for you for a good fifteen minutes.  Look at me, I have my coat on.  I am ready.  But I will still be blamed,"  Lorelai sulked.

"I'll tell Emily you had your coat on,"  Luke said as they headed out the door.

The Gilmore house looked the same.  Rory wouldn't tell her mother, but she was secretly very happy to be having dinner with Emily and Richard that night.  She missed them and even missed Friday night dinners.  Years before, it had been a pain to sacrifice every Friday night to be with her grandparents.  At this time in Rory's  life, it was a comforting thing.

When they knocked on the door, a maid with a thick Russian accent answered the door.  She took their coats and disappeared.

"Rory!  So good to see you!  It would have been better to see you at 6 o'clock like I asked your mother, but great to see you nonetheless,"  Emily said coming into the foyer.  She hugged Rory and shot a look at Lorelai.

Lorelia elbowed Luke.  Luke rubbed his ribs and said, "She had her coat on."

Emily looked confused and said, "Well, that's nice, but a wristwatch would have been more helpful."  Then with her arm around Rory, she gestured toward the living room.  "Come in, come in.  It's a party tonight!  A welcome home and a reunion."

"Well, thank you, Grandma.  But it's hardly a reunion.  I wasn't gone that long..."  Rory trailed off as she walked into the living room to see Logan having a drink with her grandfather.

"Logan?"  she squeaked.  She wanted to run up to him and hug him, but restrained herself.  Instead she just stood staring.

"Ah, Rory, you're here,"  Richard said crossing the room to hug her.  "We've missed you."

"I missed you too, Grandpa," she said still looking at Logan.

"Logan here just stopped in, said he was in town.  Look at the lovely bag of avocados he brought your Grandmother, apparently from his very own tree,"  Richard said. 

"Hello Rory, a pleasure to see you.  I had a night free and decided to fly out.  I have to leave in the morning for an event tomorrow night in New York, but had an urge to see Connecticut in the fall again,"  Logan said smiling as he kissed Rory's hand. "Lorelai, Luke, it's nice to see you again."

"Hey Logan, good to see you too,"  Luke said while Rory still stayed awkwardly silent.

"Yes, Logan, nice to see you,"  Lorelai said.  She eyed him up and said sarcastically, "So you just had a hankering to see the foliage?"

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