Chapter Nineteen: Loyalties and Lies

Start from the beginning

James' grin expanded so large, Albus was positive his face would burst like confetti. "Damn it. I'm gay," James remarked spiritedly, wrapping an arm around Scorpius' slim shoulder.

Scorpius giggled at him while Albus rolled his eyes and let out a noise of deep detest. "Coming out's no joke, James," Albus said sensitively. "And my boyfriend is off limits." He glared at Rose. "To the both of you."

"I wouldn't want Scorpius anyway," Rose chided in, her eyes fixed in the newspaper. "Now that I know where his hands have been..."

James threw his head back laughing—pink in the face—accidentally spilling his bottle of ink, which created a profuse black river all over the aristocratic carpet.

"Oi! Damn it," he mumbled, pulling out his wand. He stopped laughing at once. "Aguamenti!" He appeared both startled and slightly amused. Water sprayed from the tip of his wand, making the mess worsen greatly. "Damn it!" he repeated with an edge of fright.

"Hang on. Let me try," Scorpius insisted, plucking out his own wand and pointing it to the bubbling black stream. "Scourgify!" Pink soap bubbles squirted out of his wand, and the ink quickly disappeared, leaving the carpet clean.

"Thanks for that," James said, sighing. "The snakes would've sunk their conceited teeth into me if they knew I'd made a mess in their little lair."

"I would have told them to lay off." Albus yawned. He watched Scorpius stuff his wand back into his robes and gave him an impressed smile. "How have you learned to be so good at spells?" he asked.

Scorpius smiled shyly. That was a compliment, wasn't it? An excellent question, too. How was Scorpius doing it? Only days ago, he was awful at spell-casting. What changed?

"I dunno," Scorpius shrugged. "How come you're an expert now?" he countered.

"Wouldn't say expert—" James cut in.

"Dunno either," Albus said lugubriously, easily disregarding his brother's comment. Albus was unsure how to answer his boyfriend's question. He had to think. Think back. How was Albus able to produce charms, hexes and curses of all sorts? How did he learn how to defend himself so naturally? "I-I honestly don't know why or... or how I can spell-cast so well now. It''s strange. One moment, I'm useless at spells and the next, I am able to produce powerful charms and spells. I wish I could tell you when it started, but I really don't—" Albus stopped talking at once. "No," he whispered. "Of...of course! It started in the library!" he said quickly, his green eyes widening. "Yeah! Since Yann cornered us in the library, it's's like I was suddenly hit with the ability to use magic! And that surge, that feeling, that hold on magic, it has stayed with me ever since."

Scorpius nodded in agreement. "Me too. It was the library, yes. Yann attacked us after he saw us ki—" He cleared his throat, glancing away from the view of James and Rose. "Well after we spoke."

"Don't recall saying much," Albus smirked.

Scorpius went scarlet "Anyway!" he squeaked. "After Yann came into the library and attacked us, I was furious. Since then, I could duel. I could use spells. I could defend myself. Strange, wouldn't you say? It's like we were suddenly granted with magical abilities."

"I reckon it's always been in you, mate," James said heedfully, peering from Scorpius to Albus. "You're a wizard. Magic never leaves you. Magic is within you. The problem was, you didn't believe in yourself. Not until recently. Not until..." A smile emerged from James' face. "Not until you both finally confessed your feelings to one another. Not until you both admitted that you were in love with each other. Not until you snogged. Don't you see? Self-acceptance and love had been holding both of you back all this time. It has been preventing you from performing at your best. It has been in the way of your spell-casting. You just had to believe and accept yourselves and each other. It was love that allowed you to spell-cast. Love and self-acceptance. Dumbledore was right after all, wasn't he? Love truly is the greatest form of magic."

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