Chapter 9 - Party With Reem

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"What are you doing?" I ask trying to push him away from me.

"I should be asking you the same question," he replies not moving even an inch.

"Well you're a little too close and it's making me feel uncomfortable, I'm claustrophobic," I say pulling my knees into my chest and resting my chin on them.

"Yet you're in a house crowded with a bunch of hormonal teenagers," he says giving me a pointed look.

"I know, I know, not the smartest decision for a claustrophobic person."

"Aww, you're claustrophobic," Jacob says wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Get your arms off of me, this is making me feel worse!"

"Exactly why I'm doing this."


Jacob shakes his head an amused expression on his face and gets up off the floor offering me a hand up. I take it and feel like slapping myself when I'm dropped back onto the floor.

"This is the third time! I can't believe you fell for that, oh my gosh, you're so gullible!" Jacob laughs. I glare at him before getting up by myself.

I'm just about to open my mouth to reply when a red head comes forward. "Jacob, do you wanna dance?" She asks completely ignoring me and batting her eyelashes a few times too many.

"No thank you, Reem." I really hope he got her name right.

"C'mon Jacob, just one dance, that's all," she pleads trailing her manicured finger up and down his arm.

"Sorry, Reem, I can't, my girlfriend-" I mentally cringe when he uses that title, "-here wants to leave and I gotta take her."

"Woah, I never said anything about leaving, and Reem, he's all yours," I say giving Jacob a salute and backing away a little.

His eyes widen and he puts his palms together pleading to me while Reem's back is to us.

'Save me,' he mouths.

I shake my head at him and go back into my little corner.


It had been exactly two hours since I'd left Jacob to party with Reem and I was currently trying to find some food. Walking into the empty kitchen I go over to the bowl of chips and shove a handful into my mouth. I take out my phone and scroll through Facebook, I haven't been on here in two weeks and surprisingly I've got 17 friend requests.

Stalking each page carefully, I'm surprised to find that they all go to Roseland High and are all popular...right, I'm dating Jacob, of course. I accept all the friend requests.

I continuously eat for the next half hour scrolling through Facebook until Jacob walks in.

"I hate you."

"The feeling's mutual."

"You left me with Reem!"


"You left me in the hands of a devil!"

"I'm sure she wasn't that bad."

"Well think again! She kept trying to get in my pants."

"What? And you declined her offer? Why? Haven't you had sex with like half the female population?" I say continuing to scroll through Facebook.

"Of course I declined! She's the biggest whore he-"

"And you're the biggest man-whore here," I interrupt.

He shoots me a look before speaking again, "I am not the biggest man-whore here."

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