Chapter Ninety Two- Friday

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"Woah...Uh N-Maybe-" I stutter as his eyes widen at me. I look to Niall but he just looks awkward as he stands in the middle of us. I hadn't spoken to Klaus in ages, we had been civil since the last argument we had but other than that we were barely friends I think.

I did miss our friendship and I would do anything to get it back, we have been friends for 13 years and I didn't want to leave on bad note. I guess now me and Amy were over, we could maybe build our friendship back up? I don't know.

"What? Is she alright? What the fuck did you do this time? I Fucking swear Harry if she's hurt-"

"I thought you would of wanted this?" I frown completely thrown off by his reaction. Klaus and Amy were not on speaking terms that I knew of and that was all because of me.

"Not if you've hurt her!" He snaps but doesn't raise his voice, probably because he had Joseph.

"I'm sure you do a good job at that yourself mate" I spit before my mind could catch up with my mouth.

"To be fair you are nasty to her" Niall chips in looking to Klaus making me roll my eyes. God we didn't need a fight on our hands right now. Not in front of the baby.

"She's my sister, I was harsh on her because I care about her'' Klaus says looking between Niall and I.

"Great excuse, I'll use that one next time" I roll my eyes and Niall sniggers just as Klaus shoots daggers at me.

"Can you blame me? Harry you used to be such a fucking asshole with girls! I was looking out for my sister!" He raises his voice slightly at me and I can feel myself get frustrated instantly.

"But I love her!" I yell furrowing my brows together as I look at him intently.

"I know!" He yells back and I open my mouth to defend myself instinctively, but shut it straight away.

"What?" I gape in shock at what he had said. Was I hearing things?

"I know" he sighs as he looks down at Joseph who was stirring in his sleep. God he looked so beautiful. My heart aches as the thought of having children with her had now been diminished, it wasn't going to happen, ever.
"My Mom told me fucking everything" he says as he sways slightly sushing the small child in his arms.
"And then Jade kinda swayed my judgement a little too" he smiles lightly at Joseph before looking back up at me with a straight face. It was weird seeing Klaus like this with a child but I couldn't help but see the old Klaus seeping through. The Klaus I was best friends with.

"I don't understand-"

"I know you hate me, I get it" He says cutting me off making me roll my eyes. I didn't hate him.
"But the way you spoke about my sister the other week kinda woke me up a little, I wish I could hate you but- but I just can't" He says and I just sit and listen not really knowing what to say.
"I see the way you look at her, and god does it make me want to be sick? Yes. But I just- after I heard about you leaving I guess it's kinda time to end all this shit" he says and my eyes widen slightly. He actually wanted to move past it all?
"I don't want to throw 13 years of friendship away over a girl- especially my sister" he says with a slight smile playing on his lips. I feel my chest ache at his impeccable timing. Why couldn't he say all this about a 3 weeks ago? When I actually still had a chance with his sister? When we actually were together? Why now?

"God you have really bad timing" I shake my head laughing lighting with sarcasm. I guess none of this really mattered anymore now that I had just broken up with her.

"I'm surprised she's not going with you" he says and I frown shaking my head. It would be a lie to say I had never thought about asking her. Because I had. I was so close to asking her at one point, but the subject was changed before I could even open my mouth.

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