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It is another Tuesday morning in Knoxville and Felicity is in her room, fixing her black hair in a loose bun for school.

"Felicity, I'm late for work, get your things, I need to go now, your father took Danny to school" Mrs. Hale shouts from downstairs.

Felicity takes up her bag and runs downstairs. She goes into the car while her mother locks up the house. Mrs. Hale gets in the car, starts it up and drives off.

"Mom, I have Christ Chaser's meeting this afternoon so I'll get a ride with Shane"

"Alright my baby" Mrs. Hale says wryly.

"I am not a baby, I am 17 years old"

"No matter how old you are, you will always be my baby"

The rest of the ride to school is quiet. They arrive at school.

"Bye mom" Felicity says before she comes out of the car.

Mrs. Hale drives off. Felicity turns around and looks at the school and takes a deep breath as if preparing herself for whatever happens when she walks through the doors. She walks inside and goes to her locker and opens it to take out her chemistry text book. Then she closes the locker to see Shane there staring at her with his big brown eyes.

"Hello my dearest friend Shay" Shane says. Shane is the only person that calls her by her middle name. It was either that or Fel Fel. Shane and Felicity met each other years ago at a Youth Church Camp and they have been friends ever since.

"Hello Shane, are you ready for the Chemistry pop quiz this morning?"

"I won't know till I get it"

"We'll get a little time to study since Mr. Hastine is always late"

They decide to go to the chemistry lab to get a little extra studying done. Before they even realize, the class is full and Mr. Hastine walks in.

"Good morning class, I hope you all are ready for the pop quiz this morning" Mr. Hastine says.

The students groan. Mr. Hastine asks Leanna, his favourite student, to help him hand out the papers. Everyone takes up their pencils and begin to write. About 30 minutes pass and Mr. Hastine says, "Pencils down!". Mr. Hastine then collects the papers then the bell rings for the next session. Everyone exits the lab to go to their next class. After an hour and a few minutes, the bell rings for lunch time. Shane and Felicity go in the dining room. They sit down at the table where all the Christ Chasers sit. There are not a lot of members in the group.

"Hey everyone" Shane and Felicity say.

Lucy, Anjay, Chase, Julia and Jhavel reply. They eat their lunch then chat a little before they go to their next class.

School is now over. The Christ Chasers meet in the music room.

"Meeting called to order" Chase announces.

Jhavel stands at the front. He is the leader of the group.

"Guys we have work to do, there are only 7 members of the group, we aren't doing what we started this group for and that is why I called this meeting, starting as soon as possible, we need to invite more persons, in the process we might be teased and scorned but just remember that this is all for God's glory not ours" Jhavel says.

"Amen" everyone says.

"Alright, so you guys can go home now, meeting dismissed"

Everyone exits the music room. Shane and Felicity get into Shane's car and Shane drives Felicity home.

"Hey mom, is dad home yet?" Felicity says as she enters the house.

"No, he called and said he is going to be late"

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