9. The Dance

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*Katy's POV*

The evening with Alistair was still replaying in my mind. I was so close to having my first kiss that it was almost overwhelming. I didn't want to give that special kiss up yet though. It was the afternoon before the dance and everyone in the school were getting ready for one epic night. Kitty was going with Maddie as friends and Dexter was still going with Raven. I decided to go to the Tower Hair Salon to get my hair professionally styled. The bell above the door tinkled as I walked in.

"Hey, your that Katy girl right?" Poppy O'hair the daughter of Rupunzel asked.

"Yeah, I had an appointment with-"

"Me. I'm Poppy," she cut in.

"Ok," I smiled and she returned it.

"So what were you thinking of getting done?" She asked sitting me in a chair.

"Um I was thinking if getting a halo braid maybe?"

"Sure, they're quite popular they are."

I nodded and she set to work. She finished and I admired myself in the mirror.

"Happy?" Poppy asked.

"Yes it's beautiful!"

I tried to pay but Poppy said first timers get it free. So I started back towards the school. Melody greeted me when I got back and we helped each other get ready. I twisted her long hair into a bun and she powdered my cheeks. Once we had done our makeup we put on our dresses.

"What do you think?" Melody turned around sporting a short plum dress with green and black musical notes around the base of it.

"It suits you perfectly!"

She complemented my own outfit and we headed out towards the Grymnasium where the dance was being held. The big doors were opened wide so we entered. Pink and red balloons were hanging from tables which were full of plates of love heart shaped treats. A large disco ball was hanging from the high ceiling and enchanted rose petals were falling around everywhere disintegrating before they hit the ground.

"I'm the DJ tonight so I have to go but I'll see you later." Melody said before hurrying off.

"Katy," someone grabbed around my waist.


"Yep! Can I get you some punch?"

"Sure," I gave him a peck on the cheek before he went to one of the tables.

Couples started entering I saw Bunny Blanc alone in the corner so I went to say hi.

"Hey Bunny!"

Bunny glared at me and stalked off. Well that was weird. And then I saw them. Raven with Dexter. Raven kissed him before running to greet some friends. He looked around and then spotted me.

"Hey Katy!" He said as he walked towards me.

I looked around for an escape route but found non.

"Uh. . . Hey. . . Dex," I said forcing a smile.

"How have you been? Its been a while since we talked last," he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Uh good."

At that moment Alistair walked up.

"Here you go," he said passing me a cup.


Dexter stared at Alistair and then back to me.

"Are you dating?" He asked

"Yeah you could say that," Alistair said putting an  arm around my neck.

Dexter nodded and said goodbye. I was surprised at his reaction to me and Alistair being together. He had a girlfriend and he couldn't have feelings for me could he? Before I could think anymore about it Alistair pulled me into a slow dance.

"You look beautiful tonight," he said.

"So do you," I said, he laughed.

"Wait no, I don't mean you look beautiful- I. . . I mean you look handsome," I said feeling my cheeks go hot.

He laughed again and knelt in closer. I looked around and saw Ashlyn Ella and Hunter Huntsman kissing. I looked away feeling awkward. Then I saw Raven and Dexter sharing a kiss I felt like I wanted to cry. But then I remembered Alistair and looked up into his silver orbs. My breath caught in my throat and my heart beat faster. I had feelings for Alistair I knew I did. I wanted to tell him but before the words came out I felt his lips brush mine. My stomach lurched as I realised what was happening. I kissed him back, rose petals fell around us and it felt like we were glowing as people danced around us. Time slowed as I shared my first kiss with Alistair.


Hey! I absolutely loved writing this chapter and honestly hope you loved reading it. I can't wait to update, so stay tuned for the next chapter.
Until next time,






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