7. Close Call

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*Blondie's POV*

It was past midnight and I opened my dormitory door, wincing at the small groan it made. The door shut silently behind me and I started down the stairs. Cold is one word for the air around me but with my fluffy dressing gown I couldn't feel anything beyond the gowns snuggly walls. The castleteria was empty from what I could see. I crept in and as soon as I had moved three metres a crash sounded. I jumped around my eyes searching wildly. I heard a shuffle of steps, it came from the kitchen. I took out my mirrorpad and pressed the record button. Stealthily I moved to the kitchen, this was it I was going to catch the thief! A figure in the kitchen had his or hers back to me.

"Aha!" I yelled.

The cloaked figure didn't turn around. Instead in a swift movement ran to the door and disappeared into the castle. I thought of following but realised how tired I was and retreated back to my room.


*Katy's POV*

I looked over at Flightfrost. The baby Dragon had been the best pet I could ever want. I whistled and she jumped off my chair and landed on my bed. She nuzzled me, I stroked her scales and everything was good. My Mirrorpad screen flashed on and Blondie's live show Just Right turned on. Her big bouncy golden curls and cute little freckled nose appeared on the screen.

"Last night I put myself up to the task of finding the well known 'kitchen thief'. Did I find it? Yes. Did I see his or hers face? No. But I do know that this thief is extremely fast. It was almost as if it had slowed down time for its self to get away. Well that's the latest scoop! I'll see you all later on!"

I switched off the Mirrorpad and lay back down on my bed in thought. Maybe this 'kitchen thief' was the answer to what I was looking for. I was sick and tired of living in Kitty's shadow. If I caught the thief then people wouldn't just see me as Kitty's younger sister, but as Katy the girl who solved the mystery!

"I need to find that thief," I said.


Thanks so much for reading this chapter! I know it's short but the next one will at least be 500 words. I hope I intrigued you with the ending of this chapter and hope you'll be looking out for the next one!
Until next time,






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