3. Ever After High

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*Katy's POV*

The day has come! Finally after all that waiting I am going to Ever After High! I stuffed random things in my purple suitcase, slammed it shut and zipped it closed (while sitting on it). I took one last look around the room and blew a farewell kiss.

"See you during the holidays," I smiled.

I rolled the suitcase down the stairs and into the kitchen where Kitty was waiting.

"Where's mom?"

"Cat nap, she said for me to tell you that she loves you and will see you soon."


A sleek black carriage arrived out front. A man in a suit took our suitcases and ushered us into the carriage. A boy with dark brown hair and glasses was sitting in the far corner.

"Hi, my name's Dexter Charming," the boy said.

I pushed my glasses up my nose a little further.

"Um hi. . . my name's. . ." I stammered, "K- katy."

Why was I like this?

"Nice to meet you. Hello Kitty."

"Hi Dexter, why are you here and not riding to school in your limo?"

"I was asked to make sure that Katy got to school okay."

I gave a puzzled look so Dexter said,

"I joined the welcoming committee."

"Oh, well thanks."

Kitty and Dexter chatted for a while until the carriage slowed down to a stop. I looked out the window, a huge castle with turrets shooting up everywhere stood in front of us, a large bridge was constructed over a small water bank, were a calm stream was bubbling along and most of all the students! Hundreds of students were streaming into the building. Sudenly I felt a little home sick and nervous. Dexter must of noticed my face because he said,

"It'll be fine honestly, do you want to go in with me? I'll hand you over to the perfectly capable hands of Apple White."

I nodded and jumped put of the carriage. I grabbed Dexter's offered hand and he squeezed mine. We walked through the crowd hurriedly until we reached the entrance.

"Apple, this is Katy Cheshire, Katy this is Apple White," Dexter said to the most perfect looking girl I had ever seen.

"Hi Katy! I'm apart of the welcoming committee and I'll be your guide, feel free to ask me anything," Apple said in the sweetest voice I'd ever heard.

"Thanks," I said smiling, Apple returned it with a bright dimpled one.

Apple took my hand and pulled me into the castle. I hastily wave goodbye to Dexter. We walked up what seemed to be a million stairs, Apple knocked on a heavy wooden door with gold plated letters on it saying: Headmaster's office.

"Come in."

Apple pushed the door open revealing a large room, in the center of it a man looking to be in his mid forties sat behind a desk.

"Headmaster Grimm?"

"Yes," he had a deep empowering voice.

"This is Katy, Katy Cheshire. She needs a room."

"Ah yes, Katy. Well let's see. We usually put royals with royals and rebels with rebels."

"Pardon? Rebels?"

"Of course you haven't heard. Well this one student named Raven Queen-"

"Raven Queen? You mean as in the Evil Queens daughter?"

"Yes, she refused to sign the story book of legends and created the rebels."

"So the rebels are anyone who isn't a royal except for Raven of course?"

"Correct. Now back to dorm rooms. Apple do you know anyone who's available?"

"Hmmm let me check," she started typing on her Mirror phone, "yes, oh but someones already taken it."

"Who," I asked.

"Kitty Cheshire. It seems as if as soon as I got the word out that you needed a room Kitty took the last spot. That's not very nice of her."

How could Kitty do this to me on my first day?

"Oh well you can bunker down with two people."

"Who Apple?" Headmaster Grimm asked.

"Ginger Breadhouse and Melody Piper."

"Yes they will do. Katy there will be a bed waiting for you but you'll have to go to Book End to buy accessories," Headmaster Grimm said.

"I'll take you!" Apple said linking arms with me.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It's a little longer then my other ones and hopefully a little more interesting! I hope I will see you next chapter.
Until time,






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