1. Kitty and Katy

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*Katy's POV*

Pale sun leaked in through the windows of the Cheshire household. Even though it was sunny it was a freezing winter day. I adjusted my position in front of the fireplace and snuggled back into my furry blanket. Just as I was drifting back off to sleep my older sister Kitty intruded.

"Up," she demanded.

"Why?" I didn't move.

"Becuase it's my turn in front of the fireplace!"

"We have one in the kitchen" I murmured.

"We also have cold stone floor in the kitchen."

"Take a rug and take a hike," I said irritated.

She huffed and stalked out of the room. I tried to drift off again but I was awake. I groaned loudly and heaved myself up of the carpet. The door burst open and Kitty stalked in again. She grinned and disappeared, she reappeared in front of the fireplace and curled into a comfy ball.

"Purrrfect!" She sighed happily.

I frowned and walked out, I climbed the insanely twisted staircase and finally with much effort reached my room. Soft lavender coloured wallpaper covered the walls, a basket shaped bed was hanging from the ceiling held by ropes, there was a large loft in one corner, underneath it was a few squishy over stuffed armchairs and a grand piano was placed in the other corner. I climbed up to the loft and jumped to the bed hanging next to it. I landed gently in the center and plopped down onto the black and white quilt. I pushed my big geeky glasses further up the bridge of my nose, grabbed an interesting looking book and started to read.

*Kitty's POV*

I hunched over the revolving table and stared at the white sheet of paper in front if me.

"Classes, classes, classes!!" I yelled frustrated.

My purple pen hung hovering above the paper motionless. Suddenly a light bulb went of in my head. The pen flew over the paper and I was done.

"Mom," I called

I slipped the paper into an envelope. The Cheshire cat appeared out of thin air a wide smile on her face. She saw my unimpressed expression and dropped it.

"What's up my kitten?"

"I'm done," I said handing her the envelope.

"POST BOX!" She yelled.

A red post box with big flapping feet ran into the room stumbling on its large feet.

"Take this to Ever After High," she said loudly (the post box is a bit deaf).

The post box left half running half stumbling.

"It's great we can have our own wonderlandiful home right here next Ever After High," she looked around, "I miss Wonderland though."

She shuddered thinking about the curse the Evil Queen cast over Wonderland. I nodded and hopped of my stool.


"Up," I ordered.

"Why?" My little sister Katy asked not moving.

"Because it's my turn in front of the fireplace!" I said losing my patience.

"We have one in the kitchen"

"We also have cold stone floor in the kitchen," I huffed.

"Take a rug and take a hike."

I glared at her and left. She groaned loudly and I walked back in. She had gotten up. A mischievous smile spread across my lips and the room turned to black and white. I reappeared in front of the fireplace (all colour returned) where Katy just was. I curled up into a comfy ball feeling the warmth of the cackling fire on my back.
"Purrrfect," I sighed happily.

Sorry this chapter's a bit short, I'll try and make others longer. I really hope you enjoyed and please send me your ideas!
Until next time,






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