5. Hi I'm Raven

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This is set a week after Katy arriving at EAH

*Katy's POV*

Three choices: I could sit with the people from Wonderland, I could sit with the rebels or I could sit at the table where a pretty girl with purple and black hair was sitting with Dexter. The butterflies I got when near Dexter was overwhelming so I decided to join the Wonderland table.

"Hi sis," Kitty said more cheerful than usual.

"Hi Kitty," I said uneasily placing my tray on the table.
"So this is Katy," a handsome boy with light blonde hair and grey blue eyes exclaimed.

"Yes," I said.

"Well your not ugly at all!"

"Excuse me?" I asked slightly taken aback.

"Kitty said you were short with pimples and bucked teeth." The boy said casually.

"I was only joking!" Kitty protested.

"I'm Alistair by the way."

I shook his hand.

"I'm Bunny," a girl with a short white hair cut in.


I finished my breakfast of Dragon egg omelet and tea (served by Maddie).

"I'll go now, I've got class."

"Oh, I'll escort you," Alistair said jumping up.

"Alistair I think she's fine," Bunny said irritation etched in her voice.

"No I insist."

Alistair followed me out of the castleteria.

"So what class?"

"Um. . . Cooking Class-ic."

"Nice," Alistair scratched the back if his head.

We reached the classroom and Alistair said goodbye. I walked in and the first person I saw was Ginger.

"Hi!" She said giving me a sugar scented hug.

We quickly took seats and Momma Bear entered. The class went well and I ended up making a fairytale themed cake. The girl from the castleteria walked up to me.

"Hi I'm Raven," she said.

Up close she looked really cool with long black hair and an edgy purple dress with black wedges. Not mention the spike studded headpiece she wore.


"I like your hoodie!" She said.

"Thanks," I replied looking down at the cropped plum hoodie I was wearing.

Dexter ran through the crowd and stopped when he reached us.

"Raven-" he paused when he saw me, "Katy!"

He gave me an awkward hug that made me blush. I caught Ravens sour look over his shoulder.

"Uh, the headmaster wants to see you Raven," he said untangling himself from me.
"Thanks," she gave a forced smile and stalked off.

Not how I planned that to go. Dexter waved goodbye and sprinted off again. I walked back to my dorm room alone finally. All these boys and dramas! I haven't even been here long. I flung open door twenty six and collapsed onto my bed. My mirror phone buzzed and I took it out of my pocket. One new message. I clicked on it.

Dcharming: hi

I typed back.

KCheshire: hey, who is this?

Dcharming: Dexter

My heart skipped a beat.

KCheshire: oh! Hi! What's up?

Dcharming: just wanted to see if you're ok.

KCheshire: why??

Dcharming: you don't know?

KCheshire: know what?!

Dcharming: I'll send you it. .

I looked at the screen impatiently. Finally a message popped up.

Dcharming: A new girl has left EAH girls outraged. Caught having an affair with multiple boys Katy Cheshire has caused fury. 'She's stealing my boyfriend!' Said one highly angry teenager.

You don't want to know the rest.

I looked at the message horrified. What?! Who wrote this?

KCheshire: who wrote this Dex?

Dcharming: no idea. I'm really sorry. This is hectic for a girl that's only been here 8 days.

KCheshire: thanks. Someone's out there to ruin my reputation but who?

Dcharming: I've gtg but I'll text you later promise xxx

Three kisses!

KCheshire: k talk later


Heyo! This chapter was super uneventful but that article about Katy was really mean. Who would do that? Well you might just find out. . .
Until next time guys,






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