Chapter Seven: Investigation update

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1 chapter until we find out who got into Khloe's safe

omg this story ends next chapter

*Khloe goes over to Rob's house/her house*

Khloe's texting Kim and Bruce about what happens and says to meetup at Bruce's house

Khloe: omg (oh my gosh) i have to tell you guys

Kim: ok

Khloe: there's a possibility Kris and Rob stole my jewelry

Kim: are you kiddin

Khloe: nope

Bruce: *quiet*

Khloe: it's killing me knowing my mom and brother did this

Bruce: Khloe you don't know that for sure

Khloe: there acting so suspicious and they don't want me to know who stole the jewelry

Kim: oh shit

Bruce: maybe they don't want you to know because they don't want u to be stressed out on the family trip

Khloe: maybe your right

Kim:maybe not

Bruce: what do you mean ?

Kim: i'm not trying to throw mom and Rob under the bus but maybe they did do it ?

Khloe: i'm done having this conversation i'm going over to Rob's place

Bruce bye

*Khloe leaves and goes home*

*Khloe gets a text from the police*

Police: i have huge information about your case

Khloe: what is it ?

Police: the person that got into your safe is not a family member

Khloe: omg thank god

Police: *quiet*

Khloe: but who is it?

Police: think hard about who you think did it and who has been in your old house and get back to me

Khloe: alright thanks so much

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