Chapter Two:Who is that?

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Chapter Two:Sorry

I couldn't get what Kim said! out of my mind i can't believe she would say Scott she loves him

Ding Dong!

*Khloe goes to open the door*

Khloe:Hello *gasp*

Lamar:Hey Khloe *gives Khloe a big hug*

Khloe:Umm..what are you doing here?

Lamar:Just came to pick up a few stuff

Khloe starts to sweat and she's starting to get red she really doesn't want Lamar finding out that his jewelry is stolen

Khloe:Ok we'll let me help you get your stuff

Lamar:Why are you getting so nervous? i just wanted to pick up some clothes

Khloe:Just clothes..nothing else?

Lamar:Nope i gotta go i'll text you

Khloe:Ok bye

*Khloe slams the door*

Khloe:Holy shit *calls kim* "Kim come over right now"

Kim:*Walks in Khloe's house* Hey Khlo

Kourtney:Lamar just left

Kim:Omg what happened

Khloe:I was so nervous i thought i was gonna pee on myself

Kim see's someone looking in the window



Kim:I just saw someone looking into the window

Khloe:What did they look like?

Kim:I couldn't really see something weirds going on


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