Chapter Four: What are you doing here?

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Kim has snuck into Scott & Kourtney's house to find out if Scott stole from Khloe

4 Chapters until we find out who got into Khloe's safe

*Kim is going through Scott's jewelry and his room*

Where the fuck is it! it must be around here somewhere.Whats this *Kim finds a small black box* WTF (what the fuck)

it's just a bunch of condoms

*Scott gets home*

SHIT! where do i hide? *Scott walks in*

Scott: what are you doing here?

Kim: ohhh I was just searching for a shirt that Kourtney borrowed from me.

Scott: how did you get in the house?

Kim: the back door was open!

Scott: we don't have a back door

Kim: i meant front door

Scott ohhhh k

Kim: gotta go byee

*Kim leaves

Gotta go over to moms

*Kim goes over to Kris's house* Kylie,Khloe, and Kris are there

Kris:so what happened

Khloe:don't leave out a single detail

Kim: I was checking through Scott's stuff, and I saw this black box so I though you was hiding the jewelry in there but it was just a bunch of condoms

Kris: Uh kim

Kylie: Shhhh let her finish

Kim: Scott caught me and asked me what I was doing but i told him I was just looking for a shirt Kourtney borrowed

Kris: Kim

Kim: Yea

Kris: When I said check up on Scott I meant see what he's been up to. If he seems suspicious ask him who he think did he and see if he gets nervous not go through his entire room, I was gonna suggest that but I was afraid you were gonna caught and what happens you get CAUGHT

Kim:It's not a big deal

Kylie: Scott's probably gonna think that you think he did it

Khloe: I agree


Kim: Sorryyyyyy

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