Venom dripped from the voice that spoke causing me to stop mid-sentence and glare at the person. Can you guess who that was? Yes! Your probably right.

Fuck-me face Jessica.

"Do you want to keep you tongue or that pretty little face of yours?" I asked fuck-me face smiling sweetly.

"W-What?" she asked stuttering.

"I SAID. DO. YOU. WANT. TO. KEEP. THAT. PRETTY. LITTLE. FACE. OF YOURS. INTECT?" I asked her slowly as if speaking to a toddler. Catherine snickered causing Jessica face to turn red from angrier.

"Bitch! watch who you're talking to. You don't scare me" she huffed.

"Oh, yeah" I step forward threatening while touching my knuckle, smiling at her wickedly. She takes at step back looking nervously. Catherine grab my arm pulling me back, whispering for me to calm down.

"Just back off you freak! Miss Davis just told me to inform you to go to her office" she said glaring at us.

"Did she just called me a freak Cat? let me go bitch slap that frog-fuck-me-face, hoe" I struggle at get out of Catherine's grip.

"Mad bitch" she said running off.

"Fuck you" I called out after her.

When she was out of sight Catherine release me and we broke out in fits of laughter holding our stomach.

"That was amazing seeing her run off like that" Catherine said catching her breathe.

"Yeah it was" I agreed. "But that fuck-me face needs to be thought a lesson one of these days"

"Yep, you and that ridiculous name for her but it does sticks."

"Totally sticks on her, fits perfectly with her fuck-me lipsticks" we burst out laughing again, when we calm down Catherine ask me, looking uncertain, "You were only kidding right Z? You weren't going to bitch slap her, right?" Catherine is not a violent person, she would rather talk things out than have a physical confrontation.

Smiling sinister, I turn on my heels to Miss Davis office and called over my shoulder, "Yeah right"


My every eventful day as come to an end. Now all I want to do is take a long shower and think about a certain someone after putting Rose to bed.

Thinking of Rose, I am current on my way to get her from Claire's, she had begged me to go there after school, so she could bake more with Claire. I was happy to comply to make her happy, Claire had pick her up from school because Miss Davis had also asked me to put in a couple of extra hours until Kate got there.

She had called in, saying that she would be a couple hours late because of some family emergency. I couldn't say no to her, she has been very kind and understanding towards me.

Now it's late driving home with Rose in the back seat sleeping. Claire had offered me a late dinner which I accepted grateful. We talk like how any mother and daughter would. I had told her about the mystery guy I met and how drawn to him I felt.

She had encouraged me to open up and experiment to see where it leads. She had said, "You only find that special one, your other half once in a life time. And from how you describe feeling around him and all that he makes you feel I would say he could be the one. Your other half."

Claire is amazing, I know for sure she and my mom would have been excellent friends.

The short route to Claire's house was block off. Some pipe burst under the road and they are working to fix it. So, I had to take the long route home. What would have been a ten-minute drive turn into thirty.

The dark road stretch of road seem to go on for mile. Driving this late only one car had pass me up the road. Trees can be seen at either side of the road, thick and dark. It makes my skin crawl at how dangerous and deadly it looks, reminds me of a horror movie I watch once. 'Wrong Turn' I think the name was, it scared me shitless but didn't stop me from watching it and others.

Rose snoring softly combined with the low R&B song playing on the radio.

Something caught the corner of my eye running. Turning to get a better glimpse of what it was, I saw nothing. Maybe it was my imagination. Well that's what I thought until I focus back on the road ahead.

I saw a naked man two meters in front of me. Stepping on the brakes, I grip the steering wheel praying to God I don't hit him. Just as the car is slowing down, something big crash into the side of the car. Sending it into a spinning spiral. The car spin and skid off the road until it hit a tree stopping it.

My side of the car collided with the tree, thus I receive most of the impact. My head felt heavy as it rests on the window where it met in the impact. I felt warm liquid run down the side of my head, no doubt blood. A loud crying had me out of my clouded haze as I grunt and focus on where its coming from.

Turning towards the crying. Rose had wakened up in the impact. She looks scared and frighten but not hurt. Thank God and thank fuck for seat belts. I want to comfort her and assure her we will be alright, but my brain is working against me as I fall into another haze.

A loud sound had me snapping out of the haze in alert. Looking around for the source, it had gotten quiet expect for Rose sodding. When sudden, a big black wolf jumped on the car bennet. The car shakes as Rose scream and my eyes widen in fear. In fear of Rose life and my own.

It growled so loud almost deafening. It staring at me in delight with murderous intent. Red orbs promising a death sure to come.

'FUCK!' this is not how I wanted to die.


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