"Good morning sir. " Arthur mumbled with his head down.

The weather was misty and cold... It'd just rained.

"Good morning Rooney. " Uncle Alex focused on me now.

I rolled my eyes in my head, eyed his long worthless cain and muttered a greeting.

"Were you two fighting just now? " He tapped the floor with his cain.

"No sir. " I murmured.

"Really? Explain his bursted lips... And the crowd that'd shamelessly ran back into their various classes like cowards! " Uncle Alex yelled out the word 'Cowards' and hit his cain against the railings.

"I fell down. And they'd shamelessly ran out to laugh at me... Like cowards. " Arthur smirked at me and I smirked back.

He sucked at his bleeding lip and I threw back my attention at Alex.

"Really? " We both nodded

"Well... Standing here won't get it healed. " I smiled and we both made a move for our door.

Two swipes across my upper back erupted a deep hiss from Arthur.

We both turned to glare at the foolish idiot... I mean, why was he hitting me? I wasn't loitering... And Arthur's lie was believable.

And I was about to walk into my class.

Some teachers can be really useless.

Having the audacity to hit me is a sign of uselessness.

"That's not the way to the sick bay. " Alex grinned evilly at me and I faked a smile.

"Right... Because you told us to go there. " I told him through my gritted teeth.

Wonder when you actually even told us to.

Alex nodded at us, we both walked past him and made our way to the stairs.

"That guy don craze(He's crazy.)" Arthur muttered.

I stopped walking and glared at him.

" No na you. You don dey craze(No,it's you. You're going crazy.)" he raised an eyebrow.

"Fourth fight in barely two days. "

"What? Everyone annoys me. "

".. Well,that's not how you cope with anger. You're not the only one who's going through pain. Don't be an ass. " His muscles tensed up.

"An ass? What the fuck, you don't understand me. You have no fucking idea how it feels like when your dad's missing. "

What the fuck? Did he just say that??

" Well, you're right. I have no idea how it feels like when your dad's missing. I have no idea how it feels like to at least have hope that your dad's still alive... I have no fucking idea how it feels like to know your dad might one day come back home safely? Or how it feels like to await your father so you could run into his arms every single day when he's back from work!... You know why? Do you fucking know why?! " I punched the wall...

In movies this is the part where the wall breaks and reveals how strong I am. But no, this isn't some movie this is my real life and now my hand was igniting.

Definitely just broke that hand

Thank you Arthur, thank you!

"'Cause mine is dead. Gone, buried and six feet under.. I grew up without a father and you're here picking fights just because your dad got kidnapped... Dude grow the fuck up. " My hand really fucking hurt...

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