Two: Coffee Cup

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Tris took the lead for the fifteen minutes through Senfora Forest, quickly through the park and up the street. Ato looked nervous the instant they stared walking, even more so once they emerged from the comfort of tree line. Obviously he hadn't been around humans in a very long time, if even at all. He was beginning to regret this decision already.
   Tris smiled politely at anyone she met eyes with whilst Ato kept his gaze fixed on the ground in front of him.

"We're here." Tris stopped walking outside a small coffee shop.

Ato followed Tris' gaze and frowned. "Is this a joke?" He looked at his friend, but she was already making her way inside. "Of course it isn't." He pulled a face and jogged after her.

The moment they were through the door, they were greeted with the sweet aroma of coffee and a polite "welcome!" from whoever was working at the counter. Ato looked around, making mental notes on everything.
   The shop itself was fairly small, though he noted a Staff Only staircase going up by the entrance, and a door of the same privacy behind the counter. Eight tables: two outside, four small ones along the window wall, two larger ones at the back. The sound of friendly chatter coming from the few customers, none of which were paying him any attention. There appeared to be three people working here: two at the counter and coffee machines, another bussing the tables. They all wore smart white shirts and coffee-coloured aprons. Tris was talking with the girl at the counter. They seemed well acquainted.

"Hey, Ato!"

Ato didn't notice how long he'd been standing there. He pulled his focus back to Tris. "Hm?"

"C'mere and meet my good friend Scar. She doesn't bite, promise."

Ato joined them and turned his attention to the one with the wild blonde hair, beautiful brown eyes and the most welcoming smile he'd ever seen.

"Atori Webber, Scarlet Gilmore. Scarlet Gilmore, Atori Webber." Tris beamed. "I help out here and in return, I get to live upstairs."

"So good to meet you, Atori!" The blonde somehow managed to broaden her smile. Ato did his best to reply with one of his own.

"Hi, Miss Gilmore. It's a, uh, pleasure to meet you."

"Please, you can call me Scarlet. Welcome to The Cup." Scarlet gestured to their surroundings.

"The Cup," Ato repeated quietly to himself with a nod. "Alright."

"This is the infamous Atori, is it?" Ato turned around as a man with chestnut hair approached, wearing the staff uniform and polished black shoes. "Tris talks about you often, almost as if she has no other friends." The man flashed a toothy grin.

"Hey, that's not fair Danny! I have plenty of friends!" Tris interjected, her face flushing.

The other man, Danny, walked by, messing Tris's hair as he passed.
"Alright, name them." He leaned against the wall behind the counter.

Tris frowned, "No. They know who they are, they need not be named."

Danny smirked. Tris looked away.

"Awe, don't tease her in front of her friend, Danny," Scarlet nudged the other and giggled. "You two go take a seat somewhere. I'll bring drinks over in a sec, on the house." She winked and spun around, busying herself with the machines.

Tris trudged off and took a seat at the table in the far corner by the window. Good view of the whole shop from back there. Ato sat opposite.

"Strange friends you have," he said, casually picking up a menu and pretending to read it. He spoke in a hushed tone, "Do they know?"

Tris raised an eyebrow, "About what we are? No. I'm just an ordinary person who goes to an ordinary school. Anyone who asks about the eyepatch, I tell them an epic tale of how a stray cat clawed it out. So ridiculous it's actually believable." She grinned.

"Right..." Ato slowly put down the menu. "I don't think it's a good idea. I don't think I'm comfortable around them. If they found out they could—"

"They could what?" Tris looked straight into Ato's eyes. "Turn me over to the Hunters? Ato, c'mon. We've known each other for a long time.  They wouldn't do something like that. We're like family. Family don't sell out family."


"Besides," Tris continued, ignoring Ato's interruption. "I've never heard any of them talking bad about Abnormals. Not every mortal hates us these days, y'know? If we don't disturb them, they won't disturb us."

Ato's face reddened with held back frustration. He knew that it was impossible to win any debate with Tris, no matter how much he disagreed. Slowly, his gaze lowered and returned to studying the menu.

"Two fresh, hot, steaming, delicious cups of our finest hot beverage," Scarlet approached the table with a tray which held two mugs. "Hot-chocca-mocha, served with tiny marshmallows! Aren't they just the most adorable things ever? Look how tiny they are! And they're pink! And also vegan-friendly! I forgot to ask, like, if you have any dietary preferences, but hey, I'll get you something else if it's no good!"

"Oh, it's fine. Thank you." Ato took one mug whilst Tris took the other.

"Great, shout if you need anything!" Scarlet wandered back over to the counter to engage with a new customer.

Ato stared silently at his steaming mug whilst Tris downed hers, not seeming to mind if it scorched her throat or not.


Ato looked back up at her.

"I know this is terrible timing, but around this time every Monday, somebody comes in, always sits at the table over there," Tris pointed at one of the larger tables. "Orders the same drink; green tea, no milk."

"Is there a point to this story?"

"Well, basically, he's a Hunter."

Ato visibly paled but refrained from fainting. "Are you crazy?! Tris—"

"Keep your voice down, would ya?" She sighed. "Just thought I'd warn you. He doesn't suspect me and if you don't give him a reason to, he won't suspect you either. His name's Jared. Sometimes he comes in with friends, sometimes alone. Also I think he's related to Brian."

"Right. And who's Brian?"

She pointed again, "The emo-lookin' barista guy. I don't like them. Since he got a job here, they keep staring at Scarlet like how a dog stares at a plate of chicken, y'know? Goddamn emos."

At this, Ato chuckled. "Right." He drank his mocha.

There was a soft ring of a bell: the door opening.

"Welcome!" Ato heard Scarlet, Danny and Brian greet whoever had walked in. He turned around.

[[End of Chapter 2: Coffee Cup.]]

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