The Bottle

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I have a bottle inside me.

It holds all my emotions.

I feel it filling up too fast.

I haven't let any of it out for two months.

Its going to break soon.

I feel it cracking.

The cracked glass hurts my stomach.

I'm scared to find out what happens

when it finally breaks.

When all the glass flies inside of me.

When everything comes at once.

Like a river.

I don't know what will hurt more,

the glass piercing my insides

or the seeing the faces of the people I love most,

being filled with worry and fear

at what I unleashed.

All because I couldn't hold it in.

But no one knows the truth.

Why I really contained it all

in the first place.

Why I couldn't let it out sooner.

Why I didn't stop this before it could've happened.

But the truth is...

a secret.

And that secret is in the bottle.

In the bottle that's about to break.

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