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I'm trying my hardest

not to let you go.

I try to be there

when you don't want me.

I try to get good grades

so I can be noticed more.

I try to look good

if it means they'll talk to me.

I try to fix my weight

so I won't be embarrassed.

I try to do all these things

yet you push me away

yet you don't let me come in

yet my teachers still yell at me

yet my legs can't breathe

yet my gut still hangs.

But I still try even if all the weight is crushing me.

I still try even if the emotion is slowly suffocating me.

I will still try even if almost everyone is against me.

Because I have one person who is there for me as much as I am there for them.

They are not my latch

They are not my safety blanket

They are not my anchor

They are my friend.

And I will try so damn hard to keep it that way.

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