Amanda- Chapter 10

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-Alex- Past

"Now you're going to pay!" says the cashier, from the chair I had just tied him to, "I was going to get married to Amanda and now she's gone!" He starts pushing against the restraints and I know it's only a matter of time before he's out and I'm in a dangerous territory but I have to wait for Jo to come back around. If she'll even come back. Maybe she's gone forever, again.

"You can't just go around taking girls and telling them that they're going to marry you sir," I say, as politely as I can. I take a step back due to my previous fear.

"I wasn't taking someone I don't know!" cries the cashier, "Amanda and I have been dating for three years! I thought that you heard me tell you this! I've been waiting so long for her father to give me permission and when he finally did I was worried that she wouldn't say yes. But I asked her yesterday and she said that she would marry me."

"Her name isn't Amanda, it's Josephine and she was with me the entire time yesterday. So, there is no way she could have been with you."

"That can't be," he says, perplexed, "She was with me!"

"Sure she was," I say, sarcastically, "In another world maybe."

"The only thing is that there was definitely something off about her today," he says, with an inquisitive look on his face, "I don't quite know what it is though."

"Maybe it's that she's a completely different person!" I yell out in anger. I move towards him a step and that gets him fired up. He pushes all the way against the rope and it falls to the ground. Surprise takes over my face as he stands up and walks towards me in a threatening figure. I step all the way back to one of the aisles but that does nothing for him. He's on me even more. I back up a little more and then his face just inches from mine.

"Amanda is mine," he snarls in my face, "She loves me."

"And Jo loves me," I say, spitting right back in his face.

This catches him off guard for a moment and he backs up a little giving me enough room to knock him to the ground. Right after I push him I rush towards the door and push it open. I breath in the fresh air for a moment before I'm smashed to the ground by something heavy. The cashier puts me in a headlock and squeezes tight, blocking the air that needs to go to my lungs. My face starts to purple and black dots spot my vision. With all the strength left in me I smash his foot with mine and I feel him release. I regroup a few breaths and head forward where the road is. I lose hope thinking Jo really did leave me but I see our bright blue truck as plain as day sitting on the side of the road with a very worried look across the driver's face.

Jo catches sight of me and her face calms. I watch a sigh escape her as I continue jogging towards her. Once I reach the car I hear a quick breath of relief escape her. I hop into the car and close the door behind me. She starts the car back up just like I do and she starts moving forward.

"I didn't know you could drive," I mumble, getting a smile from her in return.

"I learned from the best," she says, shrugging.

"Oh no Jo," I say, honestly, "you taught yourself."

A little laugh comes out and she shakes her head. "I taught myself," she says, nodding along with her words, looking so proud of herself.

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