Chapter 4: Baby it's cold outside

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Anxiously, feeling Elvis' hand on yours you looked him dead in the eyes, thinking up all the things he might say. Elvis' head tilted down as he chuckled, seeing your worried expression.
"I love you" he confessed, matter-of-factly, after a while.
"I love you too, Elvis" you replied, wondering why he had brought you outside to say it, when he had said it lots of times before.
"Not like I love anyone else." He added, staring at you with his dreamy eyes before saying:
"You're something else, baby." You didn't know what to say - or what he really meant. Not such the wordsmith when he was nervous. He continued,
"I mean, you're special - really different."
"Good different?" You queried, managing to keep a smile on your face.
"The kind of different that you fall in love with." Elvis assured, kissing you firmly. Your eyes widened and your eyebrows raised slightly against his hot kiss.
"Be with me always." Elvis murmured, his cheek brushing against the fur of your winter coat which kept you warm.
"I don't ever want you to be far away from me." Sighed Elvis, pouring his heart out to you.
"That's nice." you whispered, almost moaning. You savoured the feeling of his lips against you and his hold on your waist.

"Move in with me?" Elvis pleaded all of a sudden, his hand riding up your leg. You stopped kissing him and held his broad shoulders an arms width from you.
"Are you serious?" You asked, in an excitable tone. You were shocked. Did he just say it in the heat of the moment, or did he really mean it?
"I got a key cut not long ago," Elvis revealed, a huge smile forming on both your faces.
"I slipped it into the pocket of your coat earlier." He laughed joyfully. You felt the cold metal of a key clash against your warm fingers as you delved into your pocket, pulling it out. Your heart beating twice as fast and your stomach yearning with sentimental trance.
"What do you say, baby?" Elvis enquired, his sexy smoulder awaiting your answer.

You thought for a moment, glancing down at the gold key in your hand. You wondered, even still, if it was all real.
"Of course I will!" You proclaimed, your arms wrapping around Elvis' neck as he kissed you lustfully. The wind gushed past your bodies, sweeping your hair from your face, framing your romantic kiss. Elvis was thrilled. He couldn't keep the grin off his face for most of the night - it was only broken the following morning at the arrival of a letter in the post.

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